Here it is not the place: 5 countries where hate and "poison" of homosexuals

in #homosexuals8 years ago

5 countries in which to be a part of sexual minorities not only scary, but also dangerous.

It would seem that in 2016 no surprise gay and only true homophobes (which, it seems not so much) are bitterly hated representatives of sexual minorities. But one thing - watch the haters of the LGBT community in the discussion of gay pride, and another thing - to be a homosexual in a country where for a relationship with a person of the same sex can be beaten, put in jail or even kill. In which countries are most unlucky to be born gay or lesbian?

In 2009, the Delhi High Court quashed the 153-year-old law passed by the British colonial government, according to which sex between two adults of the same sex was considered a crime. This was seen as a huge step forward in the fight for gay rights in the country, and many have assumed that this was the beginning of a new era of tolerance towards LGBT people. However, in December 2013 the Court overturned its decision, once again making the relationship between the LGBT illegal. Now, those who accidentally saw kissing with someone of the same sex could face up to ten years imprisonment.

Nigeria - perhaps the most homophobic place on Earth. On the question of whether homosexuality should be accepted by society, 98% of respondents answered "no." This deep hatred especially entrenched in the north, where the population is living under Sharia law: here, homosexuality is punishable by death. In particular, the law states that gays should be stoned to death. In the south of the country, homosexuality is punishable by 14 years' imprisonment.

In Jamaica, on the representatives of the LGBT is often attacked with a machete, and no less frequently beaten. In 2010, year, for example, 16-year-old boy hacked to death in his own house for suspicion of having sex with a man. People often cut or set on fire for suspicion of homosexuality and homosexuals during the funeral procession to attack people, armed with stones and bottles. The government supports it: for having sex with a person of the same sex in Jamaica faces up to ten years in prison. Unless you're lucky, the local police would extort money, torturing or beating to a pulp, and then thrown into prison.

In Uganda, the hatred of LGBT reached frightening proportions. If you, as a citizen of Uganda, you want to do sex with a person of the same sex with you, then you risk to spend the next 14 years in prison. Sometimes people are arrested and expelled from the country for a song or a movie, which was mentioned homosexuality. Fighters for LGBT rights are constantly harassed by the state, and the newspapers used to publish the names and addresses of gays. But these horrors can not be compared with the bill "kill gay" - now for homosexuality the death penalty.

In remote areas of Iran's LGBT beaten with whips, torture, rape and even executed. Thanks Bill 1987,, legalize sex change, parents of gay children are regularly forced them to undergo hormone treatment against their will, and for sex-change operation people kill local bandits.