
damb, well there goes that shortcut

Sorry if i offended you, only its information.

Opinion, is the word you are looking for @miguel12 It's only information if it has some basis in fact. This is pure fantasy.

First off, previous life, next life are flawed assumptions. We only have evidence of this one life and we live it. If there was something before or there is something after, then it has eluded hundreds of years of inquiry and study and by now can effectively be said to be disproven.

Second off, you're talking about mystical energies like they are a real thing. They aren't they're a metaphysical concept that has no basis in reality. If these mystic energies were real we would be able to recharge by standing next to power lines and MRIs would either cure us or kill us. You don't mix energies when you have intercourse, you mix sweat, bodily fluids and pheromones whilst your brain is cooking up a powerful cocktail of neurochemicals to convince you that giving up the next 18 years of your life are worth the 30 or so minutes you're about to recieve. Plenty of partners cheat. Guilt is a choice people make. When they feel guilty about something then it messes with them. Humans are hardwired for promiscuity and polygamy. The most natural state of man is to have multiple diverse partners, it's an evolutionary strategy that worked extremely well for our species until we decided to get religious because a bunch of men wanted to stand around in dresses all day and make everyone else feel guilty for their homo-erotic thoughts.

Miguel12, if you genuinely hold these magical thinking beliefs then you really should take at least a basic course in science and learn about how we prove and disprove concepts. It opens you up to see the wonder and beauty that is all around you. Otherwise put up some sort of disclaimer saying "This is my religious belief", because belief only comes in two flavors, science and religion and only one of these is a path to knowledge, despite both sometimes leading to wisdom.

Thirdly, you attempt to explain a thing that frankly if you aren't living it then it's none of your business and I dunno about where you're from, but trying to explain a thing that doesn't need explaining, is considered offensive to pretty much all of western civilization.

Nothing about this was insightful, from either of you. I genuinely feel like my IQ dropped 5 points from reading this exchange. Thank you both.

how do you explain that many porn star, many Hollywood actors and actress are gays, are there a heterofobic thinking in Hollywood or they are heterosexual that change gradually to bi and then homosexual condition because have many sex partners?
An abnormal behavior is have more than 80 sex partners to change to bisexual first, the sexual energy is the more powerful energy that we have, we create another human being like us, you use bad your sexual energy and you have a consequence. If you are gay like a consequence is not luck, luck isnt exist, all have a reason to be. Not cromosomes, not a strict father, nor a rape. If you recieve a rape, is because you do a rape in another life and need to pay. Thats all, the universe is tremendously fair, the man is tremendously unfair because hide the truth and teach all wrong.

Okay, I think I get you now. You're saying

  • Hollywood is gay
  • Bad sexual energy leads to homosexuality upon reincarnation
  • rape victims have no one but themselves (in a past life) to blame

I'm no longer interested in participating in this conversation. Good Luck on Steemit