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RE: The Joy of Killing Slugs

I don't have slugs in my area but my tiny plot is infested by army of snails whenever rainy season hits my area. They will literally try to devour anything that is fruit based, including tiny papaya shoots!
Sometimes when I come home late from work I will try to see if there are any that tries to attack anything i plant on the ground. And sometimes I have to test my "softball pitching skills" and flung them across the road into the park among the trees.
However, I realised my snails tend to like paper cups (that I try to bury on the ground just to make like a barrier for my flowers) especially they once contained soda / fruit juice.
Maybe slugs like that too?


Toads, Newts, Wood Thrust, and Hedgehogs will eat snails. With Toads, I simply do not have a slug problem. They are Numero Uno as a garden predator. Many folks have come with slug solutions including setting out trays of stale beer.

I don't see much toads in my area anymore these days.
(Must have been hunted by the Chinese people.... maybe...)

I glue copper pennies along the edges of my garden beds and that tends to help keep the snails and slugs away.

Is it because of the element (copper) or because it shines?

I believe it works with any copper, there are different theories as to why copper works and those that disagree altogether. I have had good luck with this method when Ive run into these pests in the garden. Some people use copper tape.