This is becoming a bit of a goat blog. Truthfully said there is not much else to report on. The chickens are scratching through woodchips and eating the food scraps since the pigs are gone.
The turkeys are.. well.. being turkeys and as for the garden it is partly flooded (again..) so no work there. Furthermore it is cold and windy so I am very much longing for spring!
That said I found Kimi this morning looking awful. Even someone who has never had any animals would see she wasn’t feeling well. Just droopy all over. We have a day of sunshine yet she wouldn’t follow the herd out to pasture. I checked her over but found nothing strange.
I think it’s the weather. We went from mild and moist to storm to cold and all very very windy. Even though they spend bad weather days in the barn this weather is going to get to you eventually, same for us humans.
The constant winds from living near the sea is great on hot days but less pleasant in winter.
They'll have to spend the day without Kimi
It’s going to be an indoor day for Kimi. I gave her extra bedding and put my emergency vitamin solution in the drinking water. If she doesn’t get well soon then I’ll put the heat lamp on. I don’t want to spoil them too much cause it will dull the immune system as well as the development of their coat. But, If she stays the same or gets worse the heat lamp goes on.
I’ll have to check the forecast for tonight, if we have a frost I’ll put the lamp on too.
Kimi does have the thinnest coat of them all. When we got her as a baby she was also a bit behind on minerals, you could tell by her coat.
She is one of those types you need to keep an eye on.. unlike Ayumi who seems to be the type to never get ill.
Not every day is a happy one, you never know what the day is gonna bring on the homestead!