The Homestead Kitchen

in #homesteading7 years ago (edited)


Welcome to my kitchen

Welcome to the heart of our homestead. If you were here I would be pouring you some tea or popping the cork on a bottle of parsnip wine, while offering you a bowl of berries or some cookies (depending on the season). You might politely say "don't go to any trouble"but I would respond with "don't be silly! Have some of these, they're re-ea-ll-ly good" You'll end up eating a few because I am bossy. That's how it always goes.


Functional, not fancy

Our kitchen is a functional space and certainly not the type you'll find in home decorating magazines. It's pretty cool being a log cabin and all but it is not fancy. The sink is dented and scuffed, the counter tops are a worn and the cupboard doors don't quite close properly. It's a happy place though and I think that's what matters most.


In place of a dishwasher and microwave you'll find fermenting crocks and a wood stove. Does anyone else hand wash their dishes? I find it so relaxing. Dishwashers are so noisy and I have never figured out how they actually make life easier. I have been anti-microwave for a lot of years. I haven't suffered one bit through my lack of owning one.

A stick for a curtain rod? Why not?

There are herbs, flowers and garlic hanging from beams. The curtain rods are made from twigs, gathered from the nearby woods. There are folk art pottery bowls hung on the walls and frilly lace curtains to add some cheer. Nothing fancy, just things that make me happy. If you were to stand and look out the window by the sink you would notice a heart shaped pebble and a feather on the window sill. They serve no purpose but belong there alongside my pressure canner weights all the same.


A place for creativity

This is a place of creativity. Baskets of food are often strewn across the dinner table waiting to be turned into delicious creations. Buckets and crocks of food and wine bubble and bloop. There's vinegar hidden in various cupboards. Sometime I forget about them but eventually someone will open that cupboard and discover them again.

There is usually a big pot simmering on the stove and jars cooling on the counters letting off the occasional ping, letting me know they have sealed. The kitchen is always in a state of near disaster except for when I have carefully tidied up to take a perfectly positioned photo.


Cast iron cooking

The cast iron is on display for convenience and function. There simply isn't enough space in the cupboards to put them away. A cast iron pan will last your lifetime and can be handed down for generations. You can cook anything in one, don't let anyone try to convince you otherwise. We only cook with cast iron or enamelled cast iron. Once you try it you'll never go back to the modern stuff.


A well stocked pantry

The pantry is my pride and joy. If you were here I would have dragged you into the pantry for a tour before you had your coat off. I get really excited about food and canning and love writing about it too. You can read about our homestead food rebellion if you are interested. Adding jars to these shelves never gets old. It's really comforting to know there is always something to eat in the house.


The outdoor kitchen

Sometimes when it’s too hot to work in the kitchen we'll set up our makeshift outdoor canning kitchen. It's nothing fancy but makes canning a lot more pleasant on hot days. It has a large table, portable propane burners, and a nearby watering station. I will eventually build a real outdoor kitchen but for now, this does the trick.


There you have it, that's the general workings of our homestead kitchen. Stop by any-time! If you love food, pantries, canning, brewing and all that wonderful stuff I would LOVE to see your kitchen, pantry and projects!!

Be well,


If you like this post you might also enjoy:

The Homesteader's Food Rebellion
Homesteading: A Lonely Affair

Follow me @walkerland



Great feed! We're happy to follow you. Please check out our feed when you get a chance. Thanks from the @nomadcouple

Thank you and I have followed you. I look forward to reading your posts!

Gorgeous photos, i'm happy to find you! we also live in a log cabin, cook with cast iron, put food away, ferment and make wine, etc etc etc. Following you now and resteemed this lovely post!

Thank you @mountainjewel I am following you and look forward to reading your posts. I am really enjoying the #homesteadersonline community. Its like a whole new world opened up to me this week!

:) i didn't know anything about steemit a month ago, but after diving in, it really is an amazing community!

I joined about six months ago but got overwhelmed and ran away (lol). I am so glad I came back.

So much fun to see inside your homestead. Your photographs are delightful, as well as your words. Good news: This gem of a post was discovered by the OCD Team!

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Hello @cabelindsay Thank you for your nice comment and your offer share my post. I accept! #ocd-resteem

Woah this is incredibly inspiring! That pantry though, those are my goals! I got a long way to go but all the inspiration I could need.

Our kitchen is nearly always disasterous as well! I often have random fresh ingredients strewn about in the warm months and forget about some of my projects haha. Thanks for sharing! I cant wait to can and ferment this year!

Thanks @skycae I appreciate the nice feedback!

Spring feels so far away right now. Although there is much planning to be done, I too can't wait to be making concoctions from our garden bounty again! I am following you now and look forward to reading your posts.

That is exactly how I feel haha, its like, I really want spring to be here already but I also have a lot of planning to do so I hope it isnt too soon >.<

What a beautifully written post, you totally drew me in! I want to come over for cookies and tea! Followed :)

thank you!

Your kitchen is an apothecary!!! I feel nourished just from the photos! Thank you for laying out such a beautiful post full of hospitality and food 'medicine'. Thanks to @mountainjewel for resteeming your post which is how I saw it! Have fun!

Thank you for the kind feedback @aspectsofbeauty you made me smile. I am an aspiring kitchen witch. I'll show you my herb cabinet one day, its my favourite thing of all. I look forward to reeding your posts, I have followed you.

Oh yes please, a tour of the herb cabinet! Following is a bonus!

May I move in with you? lol I am in love with your lil cabin and the warmth it exudes. Never would of thought about parsnip wine! Brewed or distilled, everything is good. :) You have a beautiful home and lifestyle. I wash my dishes by hand also! There have been times in my life where I had no electricity or inside running water. Those were some of the best times of my life. So simple and yet so complete. I hope you don't mind if I follow you around. :)

I am following you around too! :)

Hi @warpedweaver! Parsnip wine is really good. It tastes nothing at all like parsnips. Its an old country recipe from Britain and its famous for doing down a little too easily and knocking people off their feet with one glass. A bit sweet, dry and very strong (lol). Glad to know I'm not alone in appreciating hand washing of dishes. I am very curious about your time living without electricity or indoor running water. Do you write about it at all?

I have been here for only a week and really haven't gotten that far. Not sure what audience would like my ramblings. lol I've really never been a blogger. Usually pretty quiet and to myself person. Well, that is until you get to know me. lol My first experience of wilderness living was in 1974. They weren't even talking about solar back then. :)

I think a lot of people would appreciate your stories. I know I would. You should start telling them. I've only been on here a week. I have a lot to learn :)

As someone who has had the pleasure of hearing those stories, trust me... people would LOVE to hear them! Thanks for encouraging her!

Awesome cast iron collection! Your kitchen looks very neat and tidy. Really cool. Thanks for sharing!

Thank you!

Thanks for the tour. I would love to sit down and have that cup of tea! Pantry is so inspiring, and your home is beautiful!!!

I would love to have you for tea! Thanks for taking a peek. :)

that pantry! that cast iron! this is beautiful and cozy and HAPPY - good vibes are permeating every inch of the space. this gives me some ideas for re-situating my spce.

I'm glad the photos gave you some ideas. I love looking at other peoples homestead kitchens and pantries and though it might be useful to someone to see mine :)

Looks lika an amazing place to spend time.

The wife @minismallholding and i loved the pictures of the kitchen, pantry and fresh food. You have a beautiful home. Love it.

thank you!

Love you kitchen! It is serviceable, comfortable and ho says it couldn't be on a magazine cover! It has everything a homesteader would want. I lie your pantry too. Everything in there made with love. Who needs more!

Thank you!

This post has received a 7.78 % upvote from @boomerang thanks to: @walkerland

We rented for years and there was always a dishwasher...and my kids grew up thinking that All dishwashers in rental apts were broken, hehe. We used them to store canned foods...the little sections hold jars very well :)

Beautiful place, you are living our dream...but eventually we will get there too :D

I noticed that you are a metal smith, that is my son's dream some day. I keep telling him there's no time like the present but he feels like he has to do the traditional job dance first.

Yes, I have been doing metalwork since I was a teen. If he has any questions I am happy to help. I would suggest he get 4 things to start.

  • Copper wire
  • A chasing hammer
  • A small hammering block
  • One set of jewelers tools (flush cutters, flat nose, round nose and a fine metal file)

Oh, and a polishing cloth. He can find them all fairly inexpensively from

With those he can play in his spare time and learn the basics of bending and hammering wire. If he starts now, by the time he feels he completed the traditional job dance he will already know how to make jewelry ;)

I'm with you, no time like the present...we never know what tomorrow will bring.

Thanks so much for the advice. I will keep your list handy. Perhaps we can set him up for when he visits us. Thanks!

What a beautiful kitchen you have created, very practical and warm, I really believe in letting our creative juices flow in our kitchens. thanks for showing us yours.

Thanks so much! We are truly inspired to create here.

This is the kind of kitchen I dream of <3 it's beautiful, yet simple. Thank you for sharing this here. Going to have to check out the rest of your feed now :D.

thanks! :)

STUNNING! Wow thanks for sharing, always wanted a wood burning stove- that cast-iron life is calling me!

My dream one day is for a real cook stove. I would love to be able to bake in a wood fired oven and all that stuff! Cast iron works great on regular stoves as well, that's how I got started with it.

Yeah there’s such a consistency you get once you get the hang of cast iron, theyere so versatile but really all I wanna do is bake cornbread when I have my hands on one hehe

I vote this the #1 kitchen on Steemit.

Out of curiosity - if there were no more electricity - would you be able to live off the grid?

yes, we would manage quite fine. We are solar powered so as long as everything held up and we could get fuel for the generator it wouldn't be too much trouble. We heat with wood and have 90 acres of forest so we would be ok there.

Damn! 90 acres?!

I'm a city slicker and when I had no idea how large 1 acre was until I took my dog to a 3 acre park. Now I know!

New Brunswick , Canada. Land is cheap and plentiful. :)

That's awesome. I'm sure the grass is also a bit greener too!

Can you come make a pantry like yours at my house? I would gladly stop by and have a cup of tea. Great post. Thanks for sharing. 🐓🐓

I could use some help making mine to be honest, it's so rewarding but such a lot of work. I get why the Amish work as a community, life would be so much easier with some like minded people near by.

Yes, I have always admired the Amish for their achievements. They do know how to make a project easier with everyone chipping in. I remember as a kid having the grandmothers come to help prep for canning and cooking. What fun times they were too. 🐓🐓

Wow, wonderful photos. I'm based in Japan, so a long way away from you in Canada, but the climates actually similar because we're 1000m up in the mountains of Nagano. Looking forward to reading more from you and checking out the Homesteader's Food Rebellion (love the name!).

Love your cast iron!