
@thediyworld................. there again the COMPREHENSION ISSUE that DOC keeps telling you about .......NO WHERE IN THE COMMENT DID IT SAY YOU COPIED IT FROM STEEMIT , you can plagerize work from any source .......WRITTEN OR DIGITAL . Please Please Please .... again i implore you to stop fighting nasty comments with more nasty comments, it doesn't make you look good and it only bathes the STEEMIT COMMUNITY in bad vibes ,

And again you guys attempt to bring me down with lies.

I started making soap many years ago.

I would think I can write my own articles these days, in my own words.

That would be a good start. Make them your own words and publish them on another social media site but you have lost any respect you may have thought you had here on steemit. Leave troy and quit harassing us, that is criminal

go back to the article you stole from and see the similarities, no question you stole from this guy. A sad deceitful member of steemit and you should be kicked out. You are nothing but a nuisance here downgrading the wonderful work we have achieved on this forum. Go back to youtube where you have said some awful thing about it in videos while using them to make money. You are a disgrace to the internet. Go away and stop bothering us here. We are here to stay and love it.

I write my own articles, in my own words.

I dont care what you say or scream or rant.

You cannot change the facts that I make my own soap.

I write my own articles.

I make my own videos.

In my own words.

My first soap making video is older than his website

Hey - maybe he got the idea from me.

in your wildest dreams no one would plagiarize your crap. You saw he had a much better video and stole it. Please do us all a favor and leave and take your thieving ways with you. We don't want your kind here on steemit.

have you noticed that your viewers don't like your content and let you know by commenting and down voting your filth. Its a hobby for us and nothing to do with the pennies we make. You on the other hand spend countless hours a day replying to us and making yourself sick and still not making any money. I would suggest you rethink your job of working on the internet where it doesn't pay squat for you and go get a real job that isn't dependent on strangers down voting you and you not making any money. The little boy that cleans the restrooms at McDonalds makes more than you and trolls don't knock his pay down. You should start studying toilet cleaning and mop up- literally

@thediyworld .................... if you didn't steal or copy it , how do you know it was a he ?????