Oh, Ryan likes to gray out my comments.
He is just a bully and a coward graying out my comments like that.
Whats wrong Ryan?
You wanna harass me but cant take the answers?
Oh, poor wittle baby.
Oh, Ryan likes to gray out my comments.
He is just a bully and a coward graying out my comments like that.
Whats wrong Ryan?
You wanna harass me but cant take the answers?
Oh, poor wittle baby.
Yeah well, Ryan's reasons for hiding your comments are far more justified than you banning folks off YouTube for years because their truth, spoken, threatens your jobless existence.
I can just imagine you crying yourself to sleep over it. Now that I have my free time restored, I'll be brainstorming NEW ideas. Furthermore, social media is trending towards environments WITHOUT the ability to censor opinion.
You're done! I engineered your demise on Google and now the second act is on its way! Woooooo!