We would really like to add a couple English Walnuts to our property for both food and the health benefits but I am hearing mixed reviews from locals. Many are really good at gardening and they haven't been able to raise them successfully.
picture from gurneys.com
Is anyone successfully growing English walnuts in Arkansas or in a nearby state?
I was reading some people graft the English walnut on the root stock of the black walnut. Has anyone done this successfully? Any information on these trees would be greatly appreciated! In years past I was quick to jump without all the proper research and some turned out well and others...not so well!
Ooo! I am looking forward to seeing how this turns out. Once again, I don't have any experiential knowledge to offer you, but am just excited to see what you learn from it.
We have 50 black walnut trees coming. They might not taste exactly as good as an English walnut, but they work great in cooking and grow very well.
That is exciting, 50 black walnuts! I will keep you informed if we make any progress in the black walnut area. I think it is going to be another trial by fire! Sounds like you are going to be digging quite a few holes in the near future...
Yeah, we got a little to excited about the number of cheap plants we could order from the Department of Conservation... :)
Those are goooood walnuts! Hopefully you can get some growing!
Me too, back in IL we had several large ones (60+ ft tall) growing in the small town we lived in. Somebody had a vision and they kept them alive!
Those are some BIG trees...I bet they produced a lot of walnuts!