
Oh wow, this has long been a dream of my husband and I. Now our 1st son is 2 months old and is taking in all the sights, smells and sounds of the world, it seems more important than ever to make the world he sees a beautiful and natural one. I look forward to following your story. ☺

Oh yes it really is, thank you for reading and stopping by my blog! cheers, following too!

There are some folks living like that just up the road from us! I still haven’t met them, but seeing your pics brings the whole “they’re living in a yurt” thing into better perspective. It’s much more like a house and less like a tent than I had imagined!

Ha! Yes it definitely was a home...

I could read this post thanks to @osm0sis who resteemed it. What a story! I admire your perseverance and I am curious to know what happened next!

Oh excellent @clio😊 I love her posts probably because I learn something new every time... they are living such a different lifestyle from the one I am used to. Interesting and inspiring at the same time. A breath of fresh air! Thank you @schoonercreek

@osm0sis thank you so very much for the resteem! I am glad you like my posts!!

For me, this lifestyle is also different from my own, but I admire her and, like you, I find it interesting and inspiring.

You are so very welcome @schoonercreek. A very well deserved big upvote!

@clio Thank you! I have really enjoyed drawing on my memories over the last years...

I really enjoyed your post. I had never heard of a yurt. I think it is great being debt free. Keep it up

a family after my own heart. Living simply is the best. looking forward to the continuing saga. Great article

Awww, well thank you kindly @warpedweaver!!

WHat a great post and tour of your place!!! LOVED everything about it!

Thank you so much, I'm glad you liked it!

I can 100% relate to the wearing nature of perpetual camping. Life can be tough without creature comforts... thanks for sharing. We are still slowly moving to a more comfortable existence and really appreciated reading this.

Thank you @mountainjewel!! It is true... While I see some folks doing it (what appears to be) successfully, such as you guys- I see that you have been more wise than we were in getting some critical elements up and running from the beginning. I admire that and I think that it sets you up for a successful working homestead in the future, getting those things in place such as solar, a shower, etc...

Thanks so much for saying so. It's a steep learning curve, lessons and mistakes all the time. We only have shower in warmer months, hoping for a sauna next year...

looks like you're really succeeding too, great work!

Wow what a lovely post! I have never lived in a yurt but I have stayed in the many times. There is something so beautiful about being in a simple rounded space, and cooking on the wood burning stove is just a lovely experience. I can't wait to read the next part! :)

Yes it is true, while I love where we are now I often miss the yurt... I would love to have one again someday. Thank you for stopping by!

What a great story! Can't wait to hear where you went next!

Hello, your post was nominated for an upvote by a fellow within the Sndbox incubator. Great post @shoonercreek! Cheers to creative and sustainable living! :D

Wow! Thank you very much!!!

wow ive never in my life tried to live in the outdoors! must be pretty amazing! thanks for sharing this wonderful post and i look forward to more stories like this in the future! :)

Bella publicación, interesante estilo de vida...

Awesome pictures and inspiring story!

You will never forget the memories nor what you have learned through your journey. I would say your very lucky in life to be living as you are.

Great read about living in your yurt. Started off kind of bumpy, but once settled It sounded like a good life. I understand the important things being over looked. 🐓🐓

What an adventure! I can empathise with so many aspects of the story. It would be awesome to live in a yurt, been thinking about it for many years...maybe when Steem hits $20....

haha indeed! thank you for reading and for the thoughtful comments!!!