How to cultivate ducks and handling in duck problems 🦆

in #homesteading7 years ago (edited)

Ducks or ducks are birds that have a high economic value. Demand for duck meat and eggs every day is increasing, especially after the increasingly mushrooming pecel 'catfish' that is almost there in every region, even catfish pecel sellers lined up close together and almost everything is crowded.

In addition, duck demand also increases as restaurants or restaurants grow. In addition to the increasingly high food demand, the level of public consumption is also higher. This certainly makes duck livestock business a business opportunity that can not be underestimated.

Need to be equally we know, the main result of duck livestock is the egg. Duck eggs become the main focus of the cultivation of ducks that we do. As for the meat, a byproduct after the duck or duck is not productive anymore.

Productive age of ducks from 20 weeks to one year in the future. Well, after going through the spawning period for 1 year, usually ducks will not be productive anymore. The average egg production of local duck ranges from 200-300 grains per year with an average weight of 70 grams. In fact, duck alabio has a high productivity of over 250 eggs per year with egg production period of up to 68 weeks.

To start a duck business, not much capital is needed. But even so, the provision of duck location is an absolute requirement for the cultivation we do can be successful and produce maximum results.

How to Cattle Duck (Duck) Step by Step

Here I share the guidelines how to step-step duck cattle so easy to be understood by anyone, even by beginners who have never been involved in duck cultivation though:

1. Type of Duck Breeding

Before we talk further about how to cattle ducks, it's good if we know in advance the type of ducks that we can cultivate. Because the type of duck will greatly affect the technical cultivation that we will do. The following types of ducks based on the type, namely:

  • Laying ducks such as Indian Runner, Khaki Campbell, Buff (Buff Orpington) and CV 2000-INA;
  • The broiler ducks like Peking, Rouen, Aylesbury, Muscovy, Cayuga;
  • Duck ornamental (ducks / hobbies) such as East India, Call (Gray Call), Mandariun, Blue Swedish, Crested, Wood.

If in Indonesia, the type of duck or duck is divided into several types, namely:

  • Duck Tegal (Tegal) - Characteristics: plain white plumage to dark brown, beak color and yellow or black feet.
  • Duck Mojosari (Mojosari East Java) - Characteristics: light brown to dark brown, black beak and black legs.
  • Alabio duck (Amuntai South Kalimantan) - Characteristics: bigger body compared to Tegal duck.
  • Asahan duck was developed in Tanjung Balai, North Sumatra.
  • Ducks Cross

For the type of ducks that are cultivated in Indonesia are usually thick duck, duck khaki campbell, duck alabio, duck mojosari, duck bali, duck 2000-INA CV and other types of superior layer duck which is the product of the development of BPT (Balai Penelitian Ternak ) Ciawi, Bogor.

2. Preparation of Ducks Livestock Location

For cultivation of ducks, preferably a bit far from the residents but the access road to the road is also easily reached by car or motorcycle. Make sure your location is safe from predators, be it lizards, otters, snakes and other predatory animals. If around the location there is a place to bathe ducks will be better again.

3. Duck Cage

Here are some requirements of duck cage for productivity can be optimla:

  • Preparation of Facilities and Equipment
  • Temperature temperature requirements ± 39 ° C.
  • The humidity of the cage ranges from 60-65%
  • Cage lighting is provided to facilitate the arrangement of the cage so that the cage according to the function of the parts of the cage.

For the model of the cage itself, there are at least 3 types of cages that you can use, the following are:

  • Cage for ducklings (DOD) oada stater time can also be called cage box, with the size of 1 m 2 able to accommodate 50 DOD
  • Brower cages (for teen ducks) are called model cage Ren / cage groups with size 16-100 tail groups
  • Screen enclosures (for laying ducks) model can be a battery cage (one or two in one box) can also be a cage location (group) with the size of each square meter 4-5 adult ducks (spawning period or for 30 adult ducks with 3 x 2 meter cage size).

The necessary cage equipment such as dining areas, drinking halls and other additional equipment.

Capacity for 100 ducks:

  • Age 1 day - 2 weeks 1 -2 m.
  • 2 weeks 2 - 4 m.
  • Age 2 - 4 weeks 4 - 6 m.
  • Age 4 - 6 weeks 6 - 8 m.
  • Age 6 - 8 weeks 8 - 10 m.
  • Ducks until the age of 6 months, 5-10 tail / m.

4. Duck Seeds

There are 3 ways to choose duck seeds that we can do, including:

  • Buying hatching eggs from mains ducks guaranteed excellence
  • Maintaining the parent ducks ie males + female superior to get the egg tetas then put it on the stool, chicken or hatching machine
  • Buy DOD (Day Old Duck) from a well-known breeding or who has received a recommendation from the local Animal Husbandry Department.

Make sure you really get superior seeds and have tested the superiority, so that our livestock production can be optimal. For good DOD characteristic is no defect (no pain) with shiny yellow fur color.

5. Treatment of Duck Seeds

Once we have the cage and the seeds, then the next step is the treatment of duck seeds. Need to be equally we know, usually farmers choose DOD seeds because it is considered better and more clear quality.

a. Seed Treatment

For seedlings should be placed immediately on the brooder cage (sires) that have been prepared previously. And the things that need to be considered in the brooder is the brooder temperature cultivated that the duck is spread evenly, brooder cage capacity (box) for 1 m² able to accommodate 50 DOD, feeding and drinking place in accordance with the provisions of the type of stater duck type feed.

b. Care prospective Mother

For prospective duck breeding itself is divided into 2 types, namely the parent for the production of eggs and parent consumption for the production of hatching eggs. Both treatments are the same, the difference is only in the parent for the production of hatching eggs there must be males with a ratio of 1 male to 5-6 female.

6. Feeding

For feeding ourselves we adjust to the age of ducks. In the spawning phase ducks need feed with a protein content of 17% - 20% and energy of 2.700kcal - 2.88kcal. The main ingredients of carbohydrate feed include bran, corn, karak or aking (dried rice) and groats.

While the source of animal protein (fresh): trash fish, shellfish, mussels, shrimp skin, given by peter nak near the beach. Snails and snails are given by farmers in agricultural and swamp areas. To anticipate the lack of fresh fish can be dried and made flour.

Junkah feed given also vary. The benchmark of a duck requires 155 g / day (dry). At a moisture content of 15% - 20% the weight is approximately 220 g. There are breeders feed 20kg / 100 tail / day. Other breeders give 7 kg of aking, 5 kg katul, 15 kg of fresh fish or 5 kg of fish meal. Or 25 kg - 27 kg per day.

Here is the technical division of feed according to the age of the duck:

  • Age 0-16 days are given in place of feed flat (tray feeder)
  • Age 16-21 days is given with tray feeder and distribution of floor
  • Age 21 days to 18 weeks spread on the floor.
  • Age 18 weeks-72 weeks, there are two ways, namely: the first 7 days in a transitional feed with regard to the beginning of production of egg-laying until production reaches 5%. After that feeding ducks on ad libitum (continuous).

Some breeders feed in the rest room. Should not heat feed. Feeding twice (at 07.00 and 17.00) or three times (plus at 12.00) a day, depending on the habit. In between feeding hours twice, usually interspersed with animal protein snacks. Do not change the type of feed, feed officers and feeding schedule suddenly, because this can make ducks stress. Avoid feeding out of schedule and forcing ducks to stop eating. Feeding should be given when all ducks are awake.

7. Disease Control

When ducks or ducks are sick, it will usually reveal features such as missing, noiseless, slow or passive movements. Here are some diseases that may arise and the treatment you can do:

a. Lime defecation disease

Cause: Salmonella Pullorum bacteria. Signs: White dust, sticky like pasta.

Prevention: Cleanliness of cages, food, beverages, vaccinations, and sick ducks are separated.

b. Worm disease

Cause: Different types of worms.

Signs: Less appetite, sometimes diarrhea, dull fur, skinny, and decreased egg production. Prevention: The cage should be clean, dry not moist, food and drink should be clean and sanitary cage.

c. Paralyzed

Cause: Vitamin B deficiency

Signs: Legs swollen joints, limp and paralyzed, drowsy looking, occasionally excessive tears.

Prevention: Provision of vegetables / greenery in fresh form every day.

8. Marriage

After entering the age of 20 weeks, usually the duck will be ready to be mated. There are two kinds of marriage system that is duck hand mating / duck breeding with the help of human hand and nature mating (native marriage ducks).

9. Harvest

After the female duck is fertilized, the ducks will lay their eggs. Ducks can spawn 200-250 eggs per year. The time of harvesting that is tepata is at 06.00 - 07.00. Egg containers in the form of baskets or other concave containers. Eggs should be marketed immediately. To increase the added value, eggs can be salted first to be sold as salted eggs. Eggs should not be stored for more than five days.

10. Post Harvest

The end result of duck livestock can be:

  1. Duck egg
  2. Salted eggs, pindang eggs, etc.
  3. Duck meat
  4. Duck can be processed into roasted duck etc.
  5. Feathers can be processed into handicrafts
  6. Dung / duck ducks can be fertilized.

11. Tips Post Harvesting Duck

To keep the duck eggs can last longer, because usually eggs that are not given special treatment can only last 2 weeks. Therefore eggs must be 'preserved', ie by:

  • The first way with mengguanakan warm water. Pickling with warm water is the simplest preservation of duck eggs. In this way the eggs can last for 20 days.
  • In addition to warm water can also use guava leaves. Soaking eggs with guava leaves can maintain egg quality for about 1 month. Eggs that have been soaked will change color to brown like eggs pindang.
  • Coconut oil coconut can also be used to preserve eggs. This preservation is a practical preservation. In this way the color of the egg shell and the taste does not change.
  • Preservation of the next duck egg is by using sodium silicate. The ingredients of sodium silicate are condensed, colorless, clear, odorless. Natirum silicate can cover the egg shell pores so that the eggs are durable and durable for up to 1.5 months. The way is by soaking the eggs in 10% sodium silicate solution for one month.
  • How to preserve that also you can do is with salt kitchen. Salt is soaked in a solution of salt (NaCl) with a concentration of 25-40% for 3 weeks.

How, you are interested in cultivating ducks? The results we get are also pretty decent. Especially if we combine with open culinary business, would be more jos the result. So guidance on how to cattle ducks from us, may be useful for ktia all. Do not forget also to share this article with others so that lian also know how to cultivate the right duck. good luck @reserse


Wow.. This is golden. @reserse. Which I had lots more of Voting Power, I would have given you a 100% of it. Thanks for sharing this.

Thanks, hopefully my article help @aaablogger-tech

Of course it does help.

Thanks bro

Wow, this is amazing info, thank so much. Duck is my favorite poultry for SURE so I am going to be raising them on the future homestead!

~ Kevin