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RE: Raised Bed Gardening, the not-so-easy-way!

in #homesteading7 years ago

Great post and I am now thinking of where I should add my raised beds. This is our first full year on our farm and I am trying a whole lot and keeping what works. Your beds look amazing along with your soil. Happy Gardening! I am in zone 6 here in Virginia.


We're on the edge of Zones 3 and 4 up here in northern MN. But we don't fear the frosts like most flat-land gardeners with the raised beds. We still have killer frosts that an nuke a plant to smithers, but average frosts are no biggy. The beds keep enough heat inside them to make it work out ok. Took a look at some of your posts/blogs. We have some things in common it seems. We make wine too, and hard cider from our own apples. Tapped a follow to see what other adventures you are all up to. :-)