in #homesteading7 years ago (edited)


What a huge blessing! After about six hours of driving, we made it to our location in Oklahoma! There, in the field was the gift, just waiting for me! If you saw my previous post, you know that @bluerthangreen and @papa-pepper were heading out to receive a blessing from another steemian today!

A beautiful 22 foot wide and 60 foot long greenhouse was just gifted to the @papa-pepper tribe by @weetreebonsai! Can you believe it? I hardly can. It was well worth the trip and work to receive such a blessing!


Soon we were hard at work. The sun had rose and the day was getting warmer. The work not all that difficult, but we had the right tools for the job. With three support beams and thirteen ribs to disassemble, we got to work!

Taking down the frame went smoothing. Working together as a team we quickly found our rhythm and started getting the pieces loaded. Thankfully the pickup and dump trailer was the perfect choice for transport too!

With two minds to come up with the best plans and two capable individuals to get the job done, it actually took less time that I had planned. We have learned often enough to always budget extra time if need be, so at least we get to start our trip back in the sunshine.


We had two options with these. The pipe to hold the greenhouse still was secured to the earth with concrete footers poured around it. Cutting the metal off at ground level could get the job done, but the pipe would be short and the mess that we left behind would not be the best.

As you can see in the photo above, we chose to uproot the entire footings, concrete and all. We then filled in the holes and tidied things up. As I looked at the loaded trailer, of course I rejoiced at the blessing that I had just received, but I realized that I forgot something.

That's better! I can't forget to load up my helper, @bluerthangreen! His family would not be too impressed with me. Plus, I have the impression that he'll come in handy later.

Please join me in thanking @weetreebonsai! This was an amazing gift and such a blessing to receive. I am so blessed to know you and glad that steemit has been used to bring us together! Thanks Sister!

As always, I'm @papa-pepper and here's the proof:


Until next time…

Don’t waste your time online, invest it with steemit.com

GIF provided by @orelmely



Glad to see it was not hard work for you kids, and Yes when God says to bless someone you do (he is the Boss, ya don't tell him no!). I can foresee many seeds started and seedlings growing to feed your families in the future. Drive safe!

Way to live out your faith for all of us to see! And what you said about when God says to do something you do it can be wrapped up in James 4:17 "Therefore, to him who knows to do good and does not do it, to him it is sin."

If I failed to live out my faith for mankind, God would know me not.
See even coming to steemit was a reward from God for a year of living hell at YT.
He knows my heart and placed me among more of my peers (real humans not intent on destroying others). When you are blessed you in turn bless others.
God said this item would be a blessing for one who is following and he picked @papa-pepper and I just did as he said...

Wow, humbled.

We serve an awesome God my friend... He moves mountains and divides the sea, never forget all he will do for you...

Well said..AMEN!

I think it'll come in handy for many years to come!!!!!

Yes and in a pinch it can house critters ;-)

That is the truth "when God says to bless someone you do (he is the Boss, ya don't tell him no!), I can't imagine He'd take "no" for an answer from any of us even if we tried, especially since He didn't take it from Noah, Moses, Jonah, or any of the others in the Bible. :D
I know @ papa-pepper will get a lot of use out of your gift and he will pass on the blessing to so many others, because that is what he does. :D
God bless and have an awesome day! :D

You got it right there! It's amazing how all things work together for good. Romans 8:28. May God send many blessings your way too!

I am being blessed more each and every day!

God is good!

Always and all the time!

@weetreebonsai...you are one amazing person!!! Wow! What a blessing!

And how cool is it that the Steemit community is working together!?!?!

Incredible Journeys. Wonderful good hearted gifts are well deserved. Thanks for sharing this interesting day of yours. A whole greenhouse. You are really building a beautiful home for you and your family down there and it is a great example for many of us what is possible if we just keep believing in ourselves and receive the love and help from others. Good luck with the greenhouse back at the homestead. Stay free.

Speaking of helping others, I am humbly leaving a link here to this week's St Louis Steemit Bitcoin Meetup #3. I am hosting these in St Louis about each week. No presh, but maybe one of these weekends, you and the peppers will be passing through St Louis. Maybe you'll come by for work, or maybe you'll just be visiting the zoo or catching a Cardinals game with the family. Either way, there is an improviser here that runs a bunch of charming AirBnB's near the Botanical Gardens that are not far from The Improv Shop. So just lemme know when you'll be passing through. I'm hoping to get back on discord and telegram and all that jazz someday soon, but til then it's steemit and old facebook/twitter mostly. Congrats again on the Greenhouse. And here is the link to our event this week. Be well ! https://steemit.com/life/@jacobts/st-louis-steemit-bitcoin-happy-hour-3-invitation

Cool, I was just there 2 weeks ago, but heading back in January if not sooner. I appreciate that!

Good job, keep it up

Now you need to clear some land (to get full sunlight), level a spot, bring in water and electric, and set it!

Wow ! That's an awesome gift @papa-pepper you received from @weetreebonsai , I could really use one of those next summer , we have a very short growing season up in the mountains of southern Canada ! Haha ! You and @bluerthangreen did a great job ! Well worth the trip ! Upped and resteemed !👍✌😊

What a awesome gift @papa-pepper!
Truly from the ❤ of @weetreebonsai!
You super rawk gf!

this excellent work @papa-pepper,
what are you gonna make?

Greenhouse for growing plants.

This is good friends for a job that can be in the future,

good work comrades,

Hi @papa-pepper your post is really nice. I UPVOTEd and RESTEEMED your post.
Please see my last post

This is cool! Another fine example how steemit blesses us in many different ways. many hands make light work and it great that you have @bluerthangreen to help you out. That is what friendship is all about. It what steemit is all about to. Being supportive of one another.

Wow that’s a giant gift for sure! Excellent way to start this days just before Christmas!

It was almost impossible to guess what the gift was, I am sure no one guessed it right?

What an amazing gift! You deserve it. It looks like the "cold frames" we setup in Montana, for a commercial organic produce farm. Be sure to anchor these down deep, because the wind has been known to catch the plastic like a sail, and uproot the entire structure, sending it soaring and crashing.

Thank you, will do!

Wow, awesome gift. Amazing what happens when people with a common goal work together.

Wow that is a very generous gift! God blesses those who give.

Amen to that! VERY GENEROUS!

Thats very important information

I like it, It Will increase my knowledge

Thanks for sharing Mr @papa-pepper

I see you got yourself a hoop house.

I agree with you that digging up the concrete stubs was a nice thing to do.

But, replanting them... If you have the money, just buy more pipe, cut it into sections and concrete them in back home.

Reburying concrete footings never works out to well, but since the whole structure is fairly flexible it will probably do.


Thanks for the tip! I appreciate it!

Also, I am very impressed that you remembered to load your helper.
Such a brite smile you brought to my face.

Lol, glad you liked that part.

fastastic @papa-pepper I have joined you. :)

Holy hula hoop, I guessed greenhouse. 0_0 That's really great, I hope it serves you well. Wish I had the kinda space to work with something like that.

Do you plan to grow anything specific in it?

Do you plan to grow anything specific in it?


Just joking, but good job an the guess!

Aah I get it... "Plants" -wink wink nudge nudge- ;P

well job👍👍 thanks for shereing dear @papa-pepper👈👈👈

Think of all the future blog posts you can make from this one blessing! It will be interesting to follow along.

What a wonderful blessing! @weetreebonsai, I knew you were awesome, this just proves it.

Why thank you @frugallady for thinking that.

That's an awesome Christmas gift @papa-pepper ! I know @weetreebonsai knows how much you appreciate his wonderful gift.

You are blessed because you always share your blessings!

Thats awesome!

Awesome gift @papa-pepper! Exactly the kind of structure we should put up here with the vervet monkeys that strip our veggie garden! We have giant papaya trees that they and the birds feast on daily which is ok as it's too high for us, but now the monkeys have discovered the carrots as well! Have given up planting beans etc as they strip it, thought root crops would be safe, but no, they're way more cleverer than we think!

What a big blessing!!
Early Christmas gift for you Papa Pepper!
You can plant anythinggg!
Congratulations from #gratefulvibes family
And Bless your friends:):)


That is awesome. How cool to be given this gift from another steemian.

No kidding. So amazing!

Hello papa-pepper!
Your post is very interesting, I am amazed. Greetings of friendship.

Nice catch! Holler if you need any technical support ! lol If your going Hydro that is!

Thanks man! Will do.

Goood job 😍

If you come to work with a good mood, everything will come out for sure. Good luck to you and good.

That is so awesome! I'm anticipating all the interesting and exotic items coming out of there. What a very practical design too. If you ever need to change things up on your property you can easily relocate the greenhouse with just a couple of people!

Thank you for this. What a nice treat. Hope you enjoy your weekend.

You were just GIVEN a greenhouse!!!??? That's awesome!!! what are you planning to grow?

What an amazing gift, best of luck with your new greenhouse! Thoughts on what you would like to grow with it?

congratulations dear dear friend @papa-pepper the gift you have received
thank you very much dear friend @weetreebonsai for your generosity, I hope you receive double what you have given today.
congratulations for the whole family

Gods generosity, I was just the earthly means.

So much work was definitely worth it

Every effort deserves its reward, good job idol!

That is the type of greenhouse I am likely going to go with.

super generous of @weetreebonsai !!!

Wow, that is an amazing gift @weetreebonsai gave you! Its wonderful how big a blessing steemit has become to and through you both @papa-pepper and @bluerthangreen. This community is so supportive that I call it a family when I welcome people to it. :D
Someday my husband and I hope to have our own greenhouse, but we'll have to wait for the Lord to decide its time before that happens. :D Thanks for sharing this wonderful post. :D
God bless, have an awesome day! :D

Well, He got you some chain wallets, I'm sure He could pull off a greenhouse.

Yes He did and He definitely could get us the greenhouse, but in His time, not ours, it'll happen when its supposed to. We've just got to be patient. :D (Truthfully though, neither of us is good at being patient, but we'll just have to suck it up and wait, just like the military motto "hurry up and wait", LOL. :D)
We have learned the hard way that when things happen as they are supposed to its much better than trying to force them to happen before they should. :D Thanks again for them. :D God bless you and your family. :D Have an awesome day @papa-pepper! :D

That there was a lot of work getting all those footing out and then covering the holes.
I always wanted a greenhouse. At least I can vicariously enjoy yours.

Sure you can. Vicariously enjoy away!

Outstanding. I am quite sure the blessing will come back around to weetreebonsai in Gods time..

Lord willing! It was amazing to receive.

Glad you loaded @bluerthangreen and took him home with you!! lol
What a great gift!! This community is really amazing!

When you reassemble the frame spray the joints with CRC Zinc-it.
it puts a sacrificial coating of zinc on the joints. keeps the water out and stops the rust for 5- 6 years, helps with re-assembly too.
Have fun re-assembling it.