Kitchen scraps can be useful, but only if you actually use them for something!
Back when we had pigs, we used to love having someone to dump all of our "waste" food. Whether they were leftovers, scraps, or spoiled food, the pigs never cared. They were just happy to get them. These days, we no longer have pigs, but we still have a use for the waste!
One thing that at least a few folks around here appreciate is chickens, especially when it comes to devouring waste food. Naturally, chickens are omnivores and will eat both plants and animals. Most of the animals are in the form of worms, insects, and bugs, but they will peck at larger animals if they find a dead one. Since many factory farms just grind up dead chickens and feed them back to the living ones (or so I've heard) some chicken is now sold as "vegetarian fed," but this is not normally what a chicken's diet would consist of. In the photo above, you can see that even before I was able to dump it out one chicken was already pecking at some ground beef and noodles.
Once the bucket is dumped, it becomes a free for all with Muscovy Ducks, Guinea Fowl, and Chickens all fighting it out for their own piece of the pie, or whatever else may have been in the slop bucket. In a very short amount of time whatever kitchen waste we may have had is completely gone, and the birds have some full stomachs. The only thing that we really don't offer the chickens when it comes to kitchen waste is anything with chicken in it. Sure, they'd eat it, but we'd rather not go there.
For us it is just part of making the most out of everything. I try to view everything as a resource rather than a waste. For one, this is now free food for our fine feathered friends. Not only does it help fill them up, it also reduces the amount of chicken feed that we need to purchase. In the summer they are better at foraging for themselves since there are more plants growing and more creatures crawling about, but right now we are feeding them a lot of feed from the store. Rather than throwing out food that they can eat and then purchasing extra feed, we'd much rather do this.
We are not alone when it comes to this, and we sure are glad to still have a good use for our scraps. If we do end up with scraps that contain chicken meat, we just send them down the hill to @bluerthangreen and @allforthegood to feed to their pigs.
Our chickens are now laying at a really good rate too, and soon we will start letting them sit again. Once we start that process, it'll only be 21 days to our next set of chicks! Spring sure is an exciting time of the year!
here's the proof:As always, I'm @papa-pepper and
Until next time…
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Cannibal chickens!?! Wow, that is interesting...Do they taste twice as good?
Twice as good! LOL! Never heard that one!
Looks like they are having a blast:D
When'd you get rid of your pigs?
A while back, traded some for goats and some for a cow. The rest went for cash, and we made out pretty good. Once the neighbor bought a bull dozer we found a faster way to get some things done than using pigs to do the job.
Probably a good move.
Pigs are damn destructive.
I spent way too much time repairing stuff that they tore up.
Well said papa nothing should be waste this serve has meal for livestock
Hey @papa-pepper We have a lot of chickens too and I feed them with our left-over food.
It look very nice papa pepper
This is great, that means it is not really a waste then since it can feed the livestock. Nice one, I have learnt something new today... Thanks for sharing @papa-pepper.
I try to make use of whatever I can.
@pap-pepper spending best time with animals :p
That it is. A fun and rewarding experience.
Interesting, have you looked into black soldier fly larva as a way to turn your food waste into chicken feed?
very good post,@papa-pepper
I don't actually think anything can be of waste in your house. If not useful again for home use, it will be useful for the animals
Good point!
Exactly, nothing should be wasted, especially when there is a need for it. I respect that.
I like to eat chicken meat.Chicken is very tasty.It is very popular in bangladesh
Feed black soldier grub with them and then feed the chicken with the BSG :D Tattaaaaam
The vast majority of our waste can be used, some to feed our homemade animals and others can serve to make our own compost to fertilize our land our plants will be grateful to receive healthy nutrients.
Congratulations for the great job you are doing with your family in your land
I wish you a beautiful weekend dear friend @ papa-pepper
it turns out you are a lover of cattle, many chickens, I also like raising chickens because it is very profitable, not only in enjoying themselves but also can be sold, especially the eggs are very tasty and nutritious
That's a great way to make use of table scraps! Getting a use out of your own trash is great, and if you can save money in the process, more power to you! Probably smart not to feed them chicken. There's something weird about that. :/
it is really great to see how you guys are taking the maximum use of the things around you :)
wow, you are a person who really likes with all animals, just like me, I also really like some animals that I can keep and not wild.
hopefully everything will flourish with many of these chickens.
I am waiting 21 day ago. Howto?
this is my papa-pepper pet chicken
Nice! I like it!
Must be like candy to them or pot luck.
Semua bisa bermanfaat apabila kita pandai dalam mengolahnya, proses daur ulang juga sangat efektif dalam kehidupan sehari hari, sisa makanan atau bumbu dapur juga bisa bermanfaat untuk pakan unggas kita, berikut foto saya sedang memberi pakan ternak.

Your chicken seems to be all healthy, as good as to burn…😂😂😂 I need one @papa-pepper
Interesting! Didn't know chickens were omnivores... Learnt something new today. Thanks @papa-pepper. I'll share this with hubby, he is a farmer too...who knows, the information might be very useful for him
We I’ll be getting some Muscovy ducks at the Splatts house soon. How do you like their eggs?
I’ve just got to build them a little house then we will be getting a few of them and keep them in our garden area. With our cold winters, I believe the ducks will handle it better than chickens.
They are great and we like the eggs! @bluerthangreen is rolling in the duck eggs right now!
Nice!! We eat a ton of eggs here at the Splatts house!! I gotta get me some ducks, and a few chickens maybe. We are goin to start with ducks and go from there.
wish i had some pigs.
Our township leadership decided not to allow chickens because of no money for enforcement of the regulations regarding number and bird sex (no roosters). I'm very disappointed. I have been thinking of volunteering my time to provide enforcement services and split the fines with the township just so I can have a few. I'm sure our dog will lay into one, but I'll tie the dead bird around her neck for a week when she goes outside to make sure it doesn't happen again.
Right before we left our old town they finally allowed people to keep as many as 4 chickens, but then they had many rules and also would randomly inspect you. I like living in the country better.
@Papa-pepper The giant of homesteading, always enjoying your post and very interesting mostly on homesteading. Keep the good work sir. God bless your hand work.
His chicken is very good. Delicious if the roast yes ... And his place is also very clean yes .. I love the way your farm papa.
Been innovative and and been able to improvise is a unique attribute of entertpreneurs. They have the ability to utilize available resources for their betterment.
You are an inspiration and a motivation to me each time a see your ingenious handwork.
Keep inspiring us, you are a blessing.
With the above, you have saved yourself unnecessary expenses since you have alternative way of feeding the chickens.
I must say it is awesome.
Kudos! Honestly @papa-pepper, you know your onion.
Thats what I've heard too @papa-pepper; that chickens should eat a large variety of foods to give good and tasty eggs. Nothing worse than supermarket eggs with a wafer thin shell. So good you share this information, when we know everything we eat carries energy, we have the responsibility to choose food produced with a high level of consciousness and love, I feel.
I love the free range chicken. They are very brilliant too. When you leave them to roam, they will definitely come back to their house. Unlike turkey, they go for good. The buckets filled with pullets keeps them around. Great post though. Thanks for the great work @papa-pepper.
Your ducks are lovely and I'm glad they are not discriminating against the chickens.
My mum always said its not good to throw food away. So what you're doing is really cool, because it's kinda like recycling. ( part of the advantages of having animals around)
They must really love that noodles, they seemed real happy to eat it.
And yes they are looking fine, so excellent job sir for taking care of them.
It is a great way to recycle!
Ive been going to the bread store at 6.30 for a cart full of day-old bread it is the perfect way to cut down on the cost of feed. I also use the buckets for everything! I go through buckets every year (about how long they last in the UV) at an astounding rate. Thankfully, there are enough people out there (businesses) who just throw away those $3 buckets.
That's right! We love them buckets too and actually brought down hundreds with us when we moves here. I used to work for a company that would throw out thousands each day.
You have quite a banquet going on there,@papa-pepper. Nice to see you using up the scraps so effectively. I like it when nothing goes to waste.
Me too, we love it!
Wow i love those hens and ducks @papa-pepper. You are a very good farmer.
My link flowers @papa-pepper Thanks
That's similar to how we feed our chickens too. We actually have a fermenting bucket, to soak their feed in and grow some beneficial bacteria for them. I just dump any and all scraps into this bucket and feed along with their regular feed.
Only I DO give them chicken related scraps. I totally 'go there'. ;)
Nice, fermentation is a great way to!
I like that you don’t let things go to waste! So much good stuff that is thrown away every day. Restaurants and donut places, fast food, at the end of the day throwing things away. Many times outside another human being has no food.
In very poor countries they have learned to let nothing go to waste. Like in Virginia we used to say, “In Virginia, we eat all of the pig, sept the squeal!” I am sure you heard that one before as you farmed pigs.
Take the banana tree,! After the banana is harvested. The tree is cut down. The stalk is like celery and fed to the pigs. Leaves and stuff the goats eat. All of the banana peels the goats eat. When the leaves are young, the locals use the leaves to eat their food off of and to wrap different dishes. Banana leaves are sometimes huge, making a good umbrella!
I am proud of your efforts in the world of chicken farms, I hope your business is smooth, please help me in playing steemit, so I can be like you.
Some day we're getting chickens. The eggs are just taste so much better. If you're feeding them slop, how much do you have to supplement with grain? Or do you have enough slop to feed them exclusively on scraps?
In case you ever get ride of your chickens your scraps are great for worm bins or compost piles also. We actually feed out scraps to the worm bins because we make more money selling the worm castings and worms then the livestock feed cost us. We do mealworms for the chickens though and will be starting black solider fly larva asap. It is always nice to get a good use out of a waste product.