Hmm. I am partial to a hairy cow, but for me it is goats! I want to own goats! But on my list there is also building the house, rammed earth or earth bags, with a rocket stove water heating system and as self-sufficient as I can manage within the trappings of modern life.
The other things I would love is to have a small woodland to manage... oh the joy of coppicing hazel or willow to build benders for the kids... or finding and amazing tree to make a massive dinner table out of with the bark left on and everything...
Lastly a hedge full of blackberries, elderflower, sloes, bullices to make hedge hooch with... and rosehips for syrup...
Soon enough we will get there though. Moving country in search of the dream, because in the UK is impossible without a massive wad of cash!
Thanks for sharing, has given me a few minutes to get lost in my dreams. Good top up! Upvoted, followed and resteemed!
I totally agree about the financial aspect. I'm extremely fortunate to have this land passed down, otherwise there'd be no way I could ever entertain such a venture!
I love goats too and there'll certainly be some of the farm. Lovely idea about the hedge - there are loads of what you've mentioned on the farm so I want to use as much as possible for produce and food.
And lastly, it's always good to take some moments to indulge in dreams - that's the way you work out how you're going to get there! :D