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RE: Living in my Soul Shack

this is so cool. I am living similarly rustic and have solar set up and thin canvas walls for my structure. the spiders and bugs gets in and i just have to live with them. Thanks for sharing. it's so cool to see where people are posting from. How do you make your photos with the words across them?


As optimistic as I was, it turned out this set up was no match for the monsoon season with torrential rain and hurricanes ripping it to shreds. So much has happened in the three years since I posted this. I finally have an actual house we built from scratch. I have a design background so I'm all about those aesthetics. I use Adobe Illustrator, but technology has come a long way. I recommend checking out Canva. You need an internet connection but you can use it both on desktop and mobiles. They have a bunch of free resources, fonts, templates and tools to make beautiful graphics with minimal effort.

i realized right after I commented that you had made a post updating about it. crazy to see the before and after. i have adobe illustrator but always have to relearn every time i open it up and give up sometimes. Canva sounds good. I've used that before on my phone.