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RE: First Drone Flight Over Our Off Grid Homestead

You signed your wife up as DIY_electronics did you know you just signed her trip back to her country by opening that channel? She does NOT have a green card, and it will make income that she is NOT allowed to make. Same with the cooking shows, he being on camera makes her an actress there fore she is working with out permission, and can be sent back.
All those videos that you posted, and she is shown in them guess what you made income and therefore it shows he working with out a green card, You admitted that this is your business in many videos, well you screwed her and yourself.
Has immigration or the IRS contacted you yet?


Oh really now? My wife is doing diy-electronics? Well that is very interesting. I had no idea.

As to the rest - criminal harassment.

Get a life!!!

A. you used a second free account to open diy-electronics, which is against policy of steem it
B. you signed up a new account using your wives phone and e-mail, and if you did that, then you signed her warrant back to her home land. she is not allowed to make money and if diy-electronics is in her name and makes a dime, guess what, and wave good bye to her.

Funny how you bring on all the problems yourself.

I kinda hope its B. cause since you have a wife on a cooking show making money, that makes he an actress and her not being allowed to work, well guess what, wave good bye to her...

You really need to look up immigration laws, as you sent her away from your own ignorance

Have a nice day I got to make some phone calls to immigration

You are harassing us which is criminal

I think you should worry about your own crimes.

Whistle blowing is not a crime Reid.
Harassing a whistle blower is.

I am here on my own blog.

You are here harassing me

Harassing us is a crime.

Setting up false evidence is a crime.

Fabricating evidence is a crime

Turning me in for things I did not do is a crime.

Its not fabricated if you actually did it, then its TRUTH

If the evidence points to a crime that you did you will be tried, if your innocent thats up for a court of law to figure out. I'm just here pointing the right people in the right direction.

You have your wife working with out a work permit and thats criminal. She is making money to support you, thats criminal, you making her do YouTube videos for money while you sit on your ass this is CRIMINAL...

still want to talk about criminal?


Do what ever you want but now since you were told I'll make a note to the proper people and let them decide if she gets deported.

Working without a social security card is a crime.