Spring Has Sprung On The Homestead

We are kicking it into high gear because the warmer weather doesn't seem to be waiting for spring. That means we have to step it up and get the finishing touches on the greenhouse so we are ready to plant and get our seeds started. We got Ethan out in the chicken coop to clean out the mess the chickens created over the winter.

We also talk a little about making investments for our future.


I don't know, we just had snow on the ground yesterday and then 80 today. I'd hate to think we were going directly from Winter to Hell in one day? I think we'll have a week of warmth and then back to cooler more seasonal weather.

I’ve seen this many times before. A couple warm days in late winter then people let their guard down without warm enough clothing and before you know their sick.

Hey, that's me your describing.

I’ve learned to make sure I keep the winter clothing nearby until I’m sure spring is in full force.

We've been in the unseasonably warm weather for about 10-14 days now and although it's going to "cool off" it means 60's/40's. I'm fairly confident that winter will make another appearance before it's all over but the trees and flowers are all waking up already. We are all taking our elderberry tincture in the hopes that it keeps our immune system functioning at top speed.

Better plant the tobacco. No matter when or how I start tobacco I drive through the Carolina's on my way to Florida and it's 10-12 leaves ahead of mine. My cotton doesn't even completely open before I have to pull the plants.

This is fairly common for our area but we have been in the warm weather for about 10 days now and the "cool down" is going to be 60's for highs and 40's for lows. Still pretty nice for this time of year. I'm pretty sure that old man winter will make another appearance before it's over.

spring season is awesome , i wish its started

What part of the world are you in? It snuck up on us fast in the Carolinas.

that is nice

I love all the "Thanks to you" shout outs for suggestions.

Clay is great for pots. Not so great for growing rooty things.

If it wasn't for all of the good suggestions I get from you all, I'd be in way bigger trouble than I already am.