Pond Making - Things to Look For in Making a pond

in #homesteading7 years ago

What is your steemit friends news about where is your Christmas this year? I hope my friends always get a blessing and sustenance in every year of christmas celebration.

In this post, I will memabgikan photos of making a pond shrimp pond, for more details let us see in the picture below.

factors that must be considered in making the pond: 1. ecological aspects2. land aspect3. biological aspects4. socioeconomic aspectsEEMEK ECOLOGISA. climate temperature of the environment b. quantity and quality of water c. passang recedes and water currents d. water pollution ASPECT TANAHa. Topography b. texture c. keasamand. organic matter content and haraASPEK BIOLOGIa element. Source of seed b. nature of organismec. other organisms. vegetation and environmental sustainabilityExclusive SOCIAL ECONOMICS. Land use location and status b. facilities and infrastructure. labor (efficient) d. market availability and stabile prices. licensing


 The first step that must be done in making the pond is to determine the location that best meets the requirements to provide shrimp. The selection of this pond location is not only to determine the suitability of the land as a shrimp maintenance medium, but also to support the modifiksai of tambak design, the laying of the pond, and management to be applied. In principle, the land to be used as a pond must meet the requirements of physics, chemistry, biology, technical, social economic, hogienis, and legal. To get


land that meets these requirements, there are 4 main aspects that are considered as criteria in determining the location of the pond, namely: 1.


Ecological aspects2.


Soil Aspects3.


Biological Aspects4.


Socioeconomic aspects In terms of ecological aspects, natural conditions, water sources and climate in Indonesia is very supportive of cultivation efforts in ponds. Ecologically there are 7 factors that need to be considered to determine the degree of suitability of pond location that is: 1.


Climate And Environmental Temperatures2.


Quantity And Water Quality 3.




Tidal water 5.


Water flow 6.


Rain patterns and seepage

Physical Condition of Pond Water

 Broadly speaking, the physical condition of pond water is a state of pond water in terms of the existence and appearance of physical particles found in the perairantersebut. These particles arise as a result of processes occurring in the aquatic ecosystem as well as due to cultivation technical factors so that indirectly influence the life of the organisms in it. Physical condition of pond water can also be used as one of the benchmarks of water quality with the following rationale: 1.


The appearance of the particle can be used as a signal that there has been a process (biology, chemistry, physics) in the water that is not as it should be;


Large amounts and long periods of time can cause physiological function of shrimps and other organisms: The size of the particles is small and relatively large because of the accumulation process that occurs. The appearance of the particles can either be water-coated or appear on the surface of pond water. Through careful observation then the appearance will be seen even detected since the early cause of the problem. Some of the physical conditions of pond waters are commonly encountered, among others: 1.


Water ponds


, this condition to illustrate that in the pond water appears very fine particles and hovered because it does not dissolve or settle in pond waters. Conditions such as this can cause disruption to the shrimp gills and in a certain period of time can cause red gill disease. Alternative treatments that can be applied to overcome this problem is by improving circulation both in terms of frequency and volume continuously. User

Thakas follow me @normanakbar