
Idaho heat in the summer SUCKS!!!!
Twin would get 110°-115°. Now that we are in AK and the temps are in the 80’s it feels almost as hot. That shock you get from moving from your car to the store and back. 🥵 The heat from the pavement. Yuck! Make sure you have lots of water while up on the roof.

The heat really does get bad here. I am from East Texas, and we would get 98-100 degrees with 90+% humidity, and that sucked. But now that I have been here for nearly a decade, this heat gets to me as well. I have always wanted to go to Alaska. I don't know if I could live there with the super short days in the winter, Idaho is bad enough, but I definitely want to visit one day for a fishing or hunting trip. This roof I am doing is in a decent size city, and the pavement certainly adds to the heat.

Don't blame you for getting at it so early in the morning! At about what time do you call it quits?