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RE: Potato Tower Harvest

in #homesteading8 years ago

Hello there!
Thanks for sharing your potato harvest!
I recently harvested 2 plants that I had. I did a post and a video about the one plant which had formed potatoes above the ground-

Still need to do a post about it's harvest.

My experience with potatoes and sweet potatoes is that if they have a big tuber feeding the plant they're less likely to make lots of babies. Its like they have their reserve and they're not bothered to produce. Whereas if you're growing from rooted shoots or cuttings the plant has to work harder to make it survive and will then actually make potatoes. They are also heavy feeders (good call on bringing in soil) and love loose soil, but you can use sweet potatoes to break up hard soil. Those guys just grow where they want to!
When I wanted to plant potatoes for the first time earlier this year I watched a couple of videos and found a guy who planted potatoes in seaweed and leaves.( His dogs keep stealing his potatoes while he does the videos :) His channel is called 'Home Grown Veg' on Youtube. He tests all kinds of growing mediums and is worth having a look at.
His most recent video was on potatoes grown in forest bark and wood chips.

My brother-in-law @zalife had some potato skins that had gone to the compost heap start growing. You just never know what's going to take :)

Best of luck with your next harvest!


Thank you! Ill have a look! Hope to get this hammered out next year.. We just got into sun chokes so see how they compare.

That looks like an interesting channel! We also got potatoes out of our compost this year and have another couple plants growing right now!