Remember when Facebook was so new and many of the people just spent their time on there to play their games? Remember the Farmville game requests? I admit I played Farmville and thought it was sorta fun.
Today I play that game for real. We have chickens, a milk cow, sheep, a big garden and so on.
I have seen a lot of complaining about Steemit and Steem and how people are getting disillusioned with the platform. The price of Steem is going down and so to these people the world seems to be ending. But no matter how hard it gets, remember that today, you won't get any Farmville requests on Steemit. People today on facebook don't get many game requests either. They've moved from games to just arguing with each other.
So today, we are going to take a look back and remember a time when homestead farming was only virtual and your notifications were all game requests to seriously waste your time.

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Forget virtual farming, on Steemit, you can play the Steempocalypse game... if the selfie contest ever ends. :-) Way more fun and a chance to win an actual reward! @ironshield
i'm with you @ironshield. Just waiting for Steem-pocaypse to start again.
I enjoy watching the Papa games. You actually have to think and the competition is real! LOL I'm still to busy to take part but I like to watch from the sidelines.
I like his steem-pocalypse game. I get a chance to think as a adult instead of what a 4 year old can do. And how much you can get done in a day with 15 of them.
Those facebook/smartphone games are really the scum of the earth.
I guess you game is much much harder now and like 10 times much more time consuming. I'm really happy that game requests are not being sent at my facebook...... wait Its been more than a year since I delete my acc there. heheh got to love the social revolution platform. :)
Never played it nor any of those other time sucking games!
Oh the good ol' days of Farmville requests... NOT!
Never had I been so irritated with my friends at that time in my early facebook years.
Does Farmville still exist? I don't know how people could waste so much time on games. Not in my realm of thinking. So much to do around the house, garden and outside. Sheesh!
Those were SOOOOO annoying!! I have too much fun playing a real challenging game like real Homesteading.... or at least trying! :-)
Real life... with homesteading. No game can prepare you for it.
The real homestead "list of things to do" never time for facebook games.
Let’s go back even further to Myspace! Ha ha. I used to play a few on their for a while. If it wasnt for family or old platoon buddies I would cut ties with Facebook. Games as you said are gone but now flooded with political drama. There are a few groups I associate with that limit the drama; farm equipment groups, homesteading groups and hunting groups. But now drama is filling the hunting group in Missouri. You ever see a Dodge Neon carrying a strung up buck flying down the highway? Crazy!
I have been reading a little about crypto and steem going down in price. I guess I am not too worried about it right now because I don’t know enough about what I should or have to do. Plus crypto currencies are still young.
Thanks for sharing this post and putting a smile on my face!
Pfeiler Family Farm
The price of steem will go back up. We are very early in this new tech and its going to evolve and go through some bubbles. The internet went through a bubble, but its still here.
Love the memes!lol I was never interested in facebook or it's games. I was too busy living life.
Yup! I have too much to do on my list today to play games. And then I'd rather play games with my kids.
ain't that the damn truth.
I got SO tired of those.
but WAIT...
we have bots...
posting idiotic inane comments.
pretty much the same thing?
I don't know what I hate more. the bots are easy to spot so that I guess is helpful.
I hate to admit it but I play these games to tide me over until I have real animals to care for. Keeps me motivated like watching your shows lol! Almost ready to sell and move😉
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Sad but true....I am proud to say that I never did play Farmville, didn't look interesting to me, but like everyone else I received my fair share of requests. AHHHHH!!!!!!
nice post
Did all the animals dieded??
Yeah! Steemit is so much better!
But wtf did u get all those farmville memes?
Google. :)
YES, so frustrating!! And those graphics?? HILARIOUS!!! :D
Steemit is a new format and could be more intuitive, but I hope folks will give it as much of a chance as they did the others that eventually became popular. As more time is spent here I'm sure things will become more obvious. I never found YT easy to use.
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