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RE: It's Time to Set Out The Swarm Traps

in #homesteading7 years ago (edited)

Cool! Did you see the article about Walmart making (filing a patent for?) "pollinator drones" aka robotic bees, presumably to have better control of our food supply. Instead of helping to save the dwindling population of bees who work for free, corporations are investing in fake bees that they can charge for.
So glad and inspired that local farmers like you are helping existing feral bees to a mutually beneficial relationship.


Robotic bees????? I think there's a story right there! Here's some trivia for you......did you know that bees are actually an invasive specie to the Americas....yep......nary a one was here before the Europeans can over. Earthworms too! All truly American crops like corn (wind pollinated) and squash (bumble bee pollinated) and potatoes and muscadines.......none of those depend on the honey bee for pollination......I'm thinking they benefit but would survive without the bee.... but so much of our food supply depends on the European honey bee that it's absence would be devastating.

I did not know that bees are not native to the Americas! How interesting. I live in Washington State and our fruit orchards have been feeling the effects of our declining bee population. One man started a company where I pick up Mason bees in the spring and return them greatly multiplied. He then supplies our orchard owners with bees for pollination. It's just my small part to play in assisting. The Mason bees are fun to watch and they don't sting.

I am new to Steemit but find your articles interesting. I will follow you to see what is next for you.

Thanks for the informative post. The entire thread was educational.

Thank you so much @witchazel! Yep.....there are a whole lot of species here that shouldn't be. We are starting to get cogongrass down here in Louisiana. That's a nasty pest that chokes out everything around it! And the fire ant! Nasty rascals those! But the honey bee.....I don't think they harm a thing. I think more people should get involved raising them!
Thanks for the comment and the follow! Welcome to Steemit!

No i didnt know that. I also dont know what a muscadine is so idk that i would eat one. But i think thats your point!

Ha! As you should suspect I have a blog for that! It is an American grape....native to the east coast and the south...doesn't care much for snow so you probably haven't seen any there.

Ok im back from reading about your muscadines. Talk about a perfect setup!
So theyre like louisiana muscat. Finicky but delicious! Used to live next to a white grape vineyard in Napa Valley and got to nibble on a few here and there. I dont know what was better: relishing the refreshing sweetness and the "pop", or the cachet of saying "I live next door to a vineyard in Napa Valley".

The latter for sure!