Another So So Productive Day

in #homesteading5 years ago


So I am now back at work after being off for a month which for me was really nice. I have never had more then a few days in a row off and with all the projects and the time of the year it was great to get things done. I got a few more grape vines put on the line today along with a few more racks in the building for the bait worms. It will be really nice when it is all done and functioning. That building this season is not only going to produce most of our feedstock for livestock with the fodder system but it is also going to produce around 250 lbs of worm castings a week with another 100 lbs of frass and around 10 lbs of European Nightcrawlers, 10 lbs of Red Wigglers an around 10,000 mealworms a week. That is close to $1500 of product not counting the fodder system which takes up most of the space. The worm wigwams only take up a small area in the back and the racks are less then 2ft off the wall.


The Fodder system takes up a foot print of about 6 ft wide and 14 ft long with of course also needing a few feet on either side to work the system and load or unload the channels. It is worth it but I can't wait to get a large building with concrete floors and built in drains to move it and add another system to it so then I can have the whole building now for just the worm racks and production. I actually had to cut the loft back about 6 ft farther than it was just to fit the system in an it is so tall the front garage door can not be opened with it in there.


Having power ran to it is a big step and also getting it insulated and installing a small window a/c unit will keep me producing in the heat of the summer or the cold of winter.

I will be putting in a fig tree tomorrow and working on racks again until I can get enough time to start the next fence line on a day off and then move to that. It is an exciting time with the blue berries turning blue, peaches turning red and everything else in the garden is nice and green. Hoping to put out my tomato and okra plants this week also but I always feel like I am behind but the weather is dropping down to the low 40's tonight and reminding me that we still almost always get that last freezing temp around 2nd week in May.