Leaving Egypt, for those who understand the concept, is not something to be taken lightly like some kind of fad or game (although you can make a game out of some aspects of it but we’ll discuss that down the road).
Approaching the path to true freedom without the right mindset will certainly lead to failure and embarrassment. In order to begin our journey toward freedom we must be certain. We must count the cost and be seriously committed. We must be completely convinced.
In order to succeed there can be no looking back. Each string of attachment, each rope we cut, must be permanent in order to build upon freedom.
Being able to adopt this mindset requires that we understand at least a little about history and how we became enslaved.
Next time we will discuss a little history and how the best slaves are the slaves who don’t believe they are slaves. Also we will be starting videos soon showing exactly what and how we are doing. Stick with us.
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