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in #homesteading8 years ago (edited)

Well Bro another great post !
The reason I interact with you as much as I do or can is because you have an extreme love for family, friends, nature and life in general. You are what I have been calling a "Humane Being", imho what we ALL need to work on more.
This video briefly gets into the "economics" and your philosophy of "Homesteading". The term itself is so strange to me, as if it were something new. Imho, it just means living a life how "man/human beings" are supposed to live.
When you start getting into the math, the economics, and yes, profitability makes so much sense. But to be honest, I always have to laugh at the statement "saving 1 dollar is actually 2". It IS true !, But I don't like the math ... here is why.
Say you make $10 an hr. at a 9-5 job. Your away from family ....
Say you make $10 an hr. at home. Yes the math dictates you save on fuel, can make more money at home because you don't have travel to work time deducted from your money making time at home, save on food, by growing your own, save on babysitters etc. The list IS endless ... BUTTTT ! What is Not mentioned or included in the math, is the VALUE of spending time with your family. To me, spending time with kids is worth $1000's per hr. Plain and simple. How many men didn't get to see their children take their 1st steps OR say their 1st words !!! THATS just a damn shame ..

To me my man, YOU ARE VERY wealthy ! Your basic and advanced economics are "THE" way to go, lol !

AS usual, all my best to you and yours. Keep up the good work, and thanks again for showing people "how to" be .. a "Humane" being !

Your friend JTStreetman


Excellent point in all the extra "financial" stuff, but I especially liked this part:

What is Not mentioned or included in the math, is the VALUE of spending time with your family.

You are soooo right! Thanks for the encouragement once again!