Apocalyptic Homesteading (Day 575)

in #homesteading2 years ago

Hello Everyone!

Crazy high temperatures, More on the heatwave, A strong storm rapidly rolls in & Securing the greenhouse!

I am up early again and the strong espresso has yet to clear away the mental fog but I am slowly getting there! It better happen quickly today because it is about to heat up fast outside and I want to get outdoors and get some stuff done before it does.

The heat index for today is projected to be between around one hundred and eight to one hundred and fourteen degrees Fahrenheit (that is roughly forty-two point two to forty-five point five degrees Celsius) so it is about to be a real cooker! While some high temperatures are the usual around here this time of year... this heatwave is definitely not the norm!

If yesterday (and the day before too now that I think about it) is any indication the next several days are going to be hazardous and absolutely brutal. There is just no other way to put it and the term 'hellscape' seems like the most accurate way to describe it. This is coming from someone who loves the heat even though I do complain about it from time to time.

Like I was saying in my previous entry lightning caused wildfire is my largest concern but I assuredly have other ones as well in regards to the heat and overall conditions. The one silver lining in it all is that there will at least be some high humidity as well so perhaps the air itself will not be quite so dry as it has been.

Mainly I need to remain alert to when the thunderstorms are rolling in, which direction the prevailing winds are from, whether I can smell smoke and of course listen for any alerts or the sounds of sirens and such. I know that it sounds a bit extreme but I hope folks understand the the conditions demand it and I would be a fool not to be on high alert.

Well, I still could be a fool but at least I would be an alert one! All humor aside though the scenario does call for the seriousness with which I am approaching it. That being said the sun is climbing up rapidly out there and I better wrap this up for now and get to doing stuff before the heat truly kicks in.

Alright, it is late in the day now but the sunset is still a good hour or so away. I am attempting to wrap this entry up early so that I can zone out for a while before falling asleep because whoa I am feeling rather worn out and am looking forward to a good night's rest.

So the high heat kicked in really early in the day and it stayed that way for most of the day until the afternoon when the temperature suddenly dropped a good ten degrees and a powerful thunderstorm blew in. It was kind of freaky how quickly everything went from calm and overcast to high winds, torrential rain and extremely loud thunder!

Apparently it is not the next five days (like I previously thought) that the heatwave will last but more like eleven days with the peak day having a temperature of a hundred and fifteen degrees Fahrenheit. There may be more days after that but honestly I did not want to look that far ahead in the forecast. Suffice it to say we are in for a ride with the high heat and severe storms here.

Anyway, noticing that the conditions were changing early in the day I went ahead and tied down the greenhouse that covers the outdoor tub. I wound up using one long piece of paracord and lashing the entire structure in place (to its ground stakes) and it is now secured better than the first time that I did it.

That little greenhouse sure has been handy and it works wonderfully for what it does and how cheap it was. Not to mention that it makes winter baths a much more pleasant affair than just being exposed to the elements. All around I am glad that I got that little greenhouse and am surprised it has weathered so many storms so well given the price.

Okay, well I fell asleep last night before I could finish typing this entry up. I literally dozed off in the middle of writing and did not wake up again until four in the morning! That being the case I am just going to call this entry good enough, get it edited/posted and get on with this new day!

I hope that everyone is doing well and has a nice day/night.


I tried to get a picture of the storm blowing in but it did not come out that well!

Thanks for reading!


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That Is All For Now!

Cheers! & Hive On!


Here in the inland northwest, it is cool enough that the snowpack is staying longer than forecasted in the mountains and the rain has exceeded usual levels to alleviate drought. I really hope we avoid another bad wildfire season, but there are no guarantees even here.

I wonder why the snowpack is still there. I guess cooler high altitude winds or something like that? Or from all the rain adding more ice layers to it?

Yeah, the wildfire seasons out west have gotten beyond scary. I hope yal avoid another bad one also!

Well, we were barely below normal snowpack a couple months ago, but temperatures have been so much cooler than normal that it hasn't melted as fast as usual, while rainfall has kept runoff high anyway. As a result, we're now in a good position for water.

I get it!

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