
Actually I have it and am modifying it to fix the camera. But you wont believe me anyway.

@thediyworld, More like "we will believe it when we see it"!

You should have another sit down video and tell us about all the things you want to do,
but never follow through unless someone hands it to you.

Oh another sit down talk so you can complain about me doing another sit down talk.

No, I am just doing my project now. Like always.

I do not care at all what you think.

You are just a nasty stinking troll

Reid is so crazy he thinks he has trolls
Trolls of the world unite. Reid believes in trolls.
Reid did your big foot follow you to MI along with your magic waterfall fairy?.

The crazy thing is you guys openly harassing us right here on one comment and then denying it on another.

If thats the case Jack, there's two potential tax declarations there, one for the initial donation and the second for the sale of goods.
Its no wonder folk try to evade paying but its better than being in jail!

More evidence of your harassment of my family.

You have NO records of my taxes. You have NO records of any sales (there are none).

You have NO right to mess with our family.

You signed your wife up as DIY_electronics did you know you just signed her trip back to her country by opening that channel? She does NOT have a green card, and it will make income that she is NOT allowed to make. Same with the cooking shows, he being on camera makes her an actress there fore she is working with out permission, and can be sent back.
All those videos that you posted, and she is shown in them guess what you made income and therefore it shows he working with out a green card, You admitted that this is your business in many videos, well you screwed her and yourself.
Has immigration or the IRS contacted you yet?

Oh really now? My wife is doing diy-electronics? Well that is very interesting. I had no idea.

As to the rest - criminal harassment.

Get a life!!!

A. you used a second free account to open diy-electronics, which is against policy of steem it
B. you signed up a new account using your wives phone and e-mail, and if you did that, then you signed her warrant back to her home land. she is not allowed to make money and if diy-electronics is in her name and makes a dime, guess what, and wave good bye to her.

Funny how you bring on all the problems yourself.

I kinda hope its B. cause since you have a wife on a cooking show making money, that makes he an actress and her not being allowed to work, well guess what, wave good bye to her...

You really need to look up immigration laws, as you sent her away from your own ignorance

Have a nice day I got to make some phone calls to immigration

You are harassing us which is criminal

I think you should worry about your own crimes.

Whistle blowing is not a crime Reid.
Harassing a whistle blower is.

Ah yes the screen shots to compare in a year. Clear land to toxic dump in 12 months. "Our daily lives".

Good. You do that. But then again, you will probably have some photos of some dump and show it as "proof" of my place like you guys always do

Trog you ever thought of joining up with Chris3 again, once the investigation is over of course.
The two of you could amalgamate your video skills and really knock up some good stuff!

So now you are mocking others as well.

Real nice

And dont even try to post that stupid old photo again that shows my old place BEFORE I cleaned it up. I am going to write an article showing how beautiful it was when we were done.

Before you arrived to the untouched meadow it did not require any "clean up". The pictures of your destruction have been posted here. Again your literacy and comprehension issues are put on display. You confuse an article with fiction.

Actually you lie. It was a dumping ground, which I had shown on video and all my normal YouTube viewers will back me up on.

"Your normal YouTube viewers" some of your commentators are complete whack jobs.

Anyway off to work for the man and looking forward to seeing Primus on Saturday 2 tickets cost $436 more than you have got from Steemit in a month.

And you can stop with your bragging about your riches. I do not care. I used to be rich in Germany financially.

But the true riches I have now are greater than gold with my family and this beautiful homestead.

You keep bragging about your money but yet here you are harassing me.

Something in your life must not be that good or you would not waste your time with us.

Reid I'm all done working for the man. Made my mark in the world all on grid with skills that were marketable good honest work and intelligence. Your off grid fantasy is a product of the times (economy) people do not have to live like a hobo as portrayed in your video's. Your just lazy ass bum .
Most off gridders have gone back to the grid just like you are now.
The craze is over and your video product has run it's course. your just to ignorant to realize it.
Added to your lies about your silly portrayal of this fake lifestyle your trying to build on someone else's dime.
The whole damned thing is a house of cards and your riding it like the fool you are.

Everything is fine in my life. I want you exposed for the lying and e begging. You too could have this lifestyle you were in IT you could have had anything you wanted.

Oh. So the good people on my YouTube channel are "whack jobs"

While you guys harassing us and trying to destroy my family are "good people" in your own words.

Ok. yeah. That makes sense.

Again with your literacy issues. Meadow. "It was a dumping ground," makes it ok for you to continue to contaminate the surrounding property? The loads of demolished barn waste was a classic.

I did not contaminate anything and proved it on video.

Your continuous harassment of me is criminal.

Your continuous slander of me is criminal.

Your continuous lies to hurt us is criminal.

in worse condition than when you first set foot there.@thediyworld. YOU abandoned Mrs. Wrights property in NY,

If its criminal then do something about it, put your money where you mouth is and make us shut up, if its NOT true, LOL

Reid you continue to reference an us That us must be a turd in your pocket.
I for one am speaking to you and you only.
So you keep your family out of it.
It is all on you and stop hiding behind your wife and child.

LInks to these videos would be nice...

If they existed....

25 glue totes left behind, old barn wood with lead left behind, dude you just have to use google and zoom it it still looks like SHIT !!!

You see, for one I showed the barn wood had no lead. You keep lying and turning things around

Next thing is that I have not been there for 7 months.

Whatever happens there now is not mine.

This is what it looked like when you got kicked out for cheating an old lady out of her rent money.


Any photos you post are either not even from our land or from before we cleaned it up

This is a drone shot from yesterday of the pristine wilderness you left behind when you got evicted for failure to pay rent...