3000W rated solar panels yields 1800 watts in full sun into charge controller. This would meet the surge current requirement of the fridge. you don't have the power to start the motor with less than 3000w rated panels. Your math and solar skills SUCK and your batteries always dead and dying. You have freezer too so need twice the fridge. Laying panels in yard and LYING is much easier.
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Whatever! It works. By now
"Whatever" means you got nothing and are LYING. 600W rated CANNOT run fridge and freezer, you LYING RAT BASTARD
Whatever means its like dealing with a child having a temper tantrum.
You can power a fridge on 300 watts of solar panels.
And there are MANY videos out there to prove it.
So run away now little child and go play with someone your own age.
Startup surge requirement is at least 1500 watts that CANNOT be met by 300W of panels. You are woefully short by 5 times LESS. You are LYING and HOUSE is ON-GRID. You have no batteries, charge controller or large inverter equipment for house. You LIE and show nothing!!!
Yeah yeah yeah. Run along now little child and go play with the other children.
This is getting boring.
You need 12-15 panels to power fridge and freezer. With three you are LYING and ON-GRID. You LIE for 'OffGridProject' name on youtbe. You are FAKE and LYING.
Proves you are not an expert in solar power. That is fine.
But after your first line, you should not be calling me a liar after showing your lack of solar power knowledge.
Our fridge uses about 250 to 300 watts of power.
12 - 15 panels, lets do the math - wait a minute.....
Lets average it out. 2700 watts of solar power to run a 300 watt fridge?
Your math is wrong.
Have a nice day :)