I have been a (single) mom for almost 7 years, and I can tell you from experience: The three biggest stressors facing (single) parents are financial stress, overwhelm, and lack of support.
Living in an RV full-time might sound tough, but here are three reasons why RV life actually benefits single parents.
1) RV life alleviates financial stress.
Do you know how many wonderful, otherwise-successful single mothers faced homelessness this year? Too many to count.
Women who were able to make their bills one month and then couldn’t due to changes in life circumstances.
Stay at home moms and working moms, alike. Women I know personally. Myself included.
The stress and financial instability that comes from raising children alone can be unbearable with the rising cost of living, the changing market, and not being able to rely on consistent support from the other parent.
You can find creative solutions for the cost of some of the expensive RV parks, such as boondocking or renting a spot from a friend.
Having an RV can be the difference between financial stagnation and financial abundance.
Families who own their own home have the means to travel inexpensively. They also have the freedom to pursue careers or businesses that would give them true financial stability and the means to save, without the month to month stress of making rent or a mortgage.
Imagine how much your quality of life will go up when you switch to RV living!
2) RV life allows families to minimize and simplify their lives, thus decreasing the overwhelm.
Less stuff means less to do! Fewer toys to organize! Less space to clean! Best of all--more time to be present for yourself and your children.
RV life means you need less money to live, which means less time spent needing to work, which means more options to travel and unschool.
Imagine the decrease in stress from not needing to run around, rush the kids out of bed, and off to school.
Stress from working full time and the overwhelm of trying to balance it all is a huge factor in parent burn out. Why not do whatever you can to decrease that?
The ability to be present and not constantly multi-tasking is huge for a (single) parent and huge for your kids, too.
3) RV Life allows families to live in a community and have a built-in support system.
One of the biggest stressors for a (single) mom is not having a support system. There is no one to pass the kids off to when you've had a rough day and need a break.
Who can you count on when you need a second to breathe? It’s no wonder that (single) parents report that they struggle with impatience and overwhelm.
When you are surrounded by other families with children, your children are naturally happy and entertained.
There are other families that you can bond with, and even trade childcare with. It’s not only beneficial for children, but for the emotional health of mothers and fathers.
I’ve currently taken the first steps in downsizing to get ready for tiny living and I’m now saving for a camper. The benefits to my family will be life changing!
Do you have any plans to downsize? Tell me in the comments below!
Visit the site here!
This is a very wonderful piece!
If most single mothers can get their hands on this, it will enhance their better living and also give them a cost free lives.
RV life sounds great. I'd love to travel around, see the sights, visit the spots, and not be tied to one city, state, or location. Thanks for the post
This is a nice article of the basics. I would be interested in you filling out what you mean by number 3. Surely community building can be done anywhere. Did you mean there were specific places that you could go to get that support.
I definitely agree with point 2. Living in a smaller space forces you to have less stuff, leading to less brain clutter.
Great stuff, hope there is more from you.
the built in support in communities was the thing I missed most when we moved away from tiny home life. I really miss it, but my boy's grown now so that aspect doesn't factor in so much....
Your point about the support system is so true. I've found more and more of my Mum friends home schooling to try and find that support network and it's really changing the way they interact with their kids and how they feel about themselves as mothers. You're doing a stellar job!
A fascinating concept! We, in South Africa don't have those travelling type home trailers pictured in your blog. It certainly has a lot of advantages
Thanks for sharing
Thinking you have some positive ideas about what is possible on the road as a single Mom. Wishing you good luck as you travel from place to place. Keep an eye out for a little piece of property, so you always have a place to return to. 🐓🐓
You make some very good points. I would also say that living in a smaller space brings families closer together.