Well if your already a subscriber to the Hewett Homestead on YouTube then you know all about the GREAT PUMPKIN CHALLENGE! that is going on between many of us homesteaders. We are all trying to grow the biggest pumpkin by Oct 31st that we possibly can and the grower with the biggest pumpkins will win the GRAND PRIZE!

 What is the prize you ask... well... we're not sure yet but it is sure to be a MAJOR AWARD!  Either way, so many of us have already had a blast talking all kinds of crazy trash to each other though our video updates and through the comment section of the videos. Now as you know there is always that one guy with a big moth and talks a lot of game and really knows how to stir the pot and get people riled up.  Yeah... that guys me! Never the less it has all been done in fun and never taken too far.  All parties involved have had fun giving it as good as they get it.

 Well as you can guess my pumpkins plants are bigger, thicker and fuller than anyone else's that I know of at this point. After all I do live in Florida! Well, the other day I was getting ready to shot a video update of the garden when what to my wondering eyes did appear but a bunch of crazy white squiggly lines all over my pumpkin leaves! Yes that's right folks.... I have leaf miner bugs!
They shouldn't take me out of the running but I have a feeling they will effect the size of pumpkins I can produce! Well all that being said here is the video that I posted about it.  

    As allway I just want to say Thank you to all of you who follow me, upvote me, and resteem me! YOUR AWESOME 

Subscribe and keep up to date with all our vlogs on YouTube here:


Ha! "MAJOR AWARD!" Reminded me of the dad from The Christmas Story. You can do it. I got faith in you.

LOL... that's exactly where I got it from around here me my dad and my brothers we love that movie and watch it many times every Christmas I think we have just about every line memorized. I figured there would be a few that would pick up on that LOL have a great day brother

Yup, that's our go to movie at Christmas time.

Oh no Brother my wife says she has this in the bag!! But good luck to ya anyway..LOL

Hey CB good to see you I see you found me now get over to THL and let's get you signed up for the group it's pretty quick painless and easy there's not really a sign up for just a couple things that we that we all do each day when we post and of vote each other's votes

Once you get some female flowers you are going to be on fire with huge pumpkins

Hey Miss Tara thanks for the comment and I do believe you are right but I was out there looking this morning and I do have some female flowers starting but they have not opened up yet. But it shouldn't be long now