So why don't you practice what you preach and just ignore a grumpy ol' farmer and "let it be"? Because I struck a nerve? They say the truth hurts, but I wouldn't know because I've always embraced it..
Actually, you acticulate like a true hippie/ hipster. You do. Did they teach you how to think like that in highschool? Some Liberal Prog teach you that?
My time is best spent how I see fit. And telling somebody the truth, including you, young lady, is what I choose to do in my retirement; which, by the way, is probably a complete waste of time ...
Your job, as a young mother, is to keep your family together just like my wife of 36 years has done. And what will help you out is to look past a romanticized viewpoint expressed far too often and instead use your God given power of reason to judge what's true or not true. And then to at least have a back up plan just in case your homestead fails... Make sense?