Would you know if the YCF is echinacea augustifolia? If so, I did try to grow it here, but it never took. I've had better luck with the purpurea.
Would you know if the YCF is echinacea augustifolia? If so, I did try to grow it here, but it never took. I've had better luck with the purpurea.
paradoxa, it is native to the ozarks and crappy soil lol. I can send you a few seeds if you want to try, i need to go dust the roadside with them here soon.
I'd love to try them here! Are there any seeds from New England you'd like to try? We could swap.
what kind of herbs do you grow?
This is a list of the things I will be growing this year. It is NOT a list of all I have in the gardens. I've not made that list. I guess I should....
You know I replied to myself, lol but its here.
I will send you the tea as well, Ill mix in the flower heads. Ill give you enough to plant and make tea.
nasturtium, do you have this. @powellx5 made a post about it. I would do that! if not it says you have the paprika! that would be awesome too. if your not wanting to share addresses here that's fine with me I'll email you mine. I'm at nelsonflooring@yahoo.com
Yes, I have Hungarian paprika direct from Hungary. It is not the sweet, but the strong savory type.
The nasturtiums are just different varieties you can get from a seed company, nothing special
Either one, you decide. Awesome though!