Nearing the Finish - December 27, 2024 @goldenoakfarm

in #homesteading3 months ago

Stuff from shelves crop Dec 2024.jpg

On Friday I was up at 5AM and got 2 posts written, the kitchen cleaned up and the milk order made by the time my helper friend arrived at 8AM. We set about starting the shelves in the pantry.

Pantry - shelves finished collage text crop Dec 2024.jpg

We started at the top and moved everything out into the kitchen where it got wiped down or washed. Things got rearranged some as they were put back, especially on the bottom shelf.

I moved the matching tin set to the middle because it now holds my fermentation weights. (I wish I’d seen the paper towel roll in the middle of the shelves before photographing…)

There was some old food that went out over the bank. (How I miss having pigs and chickens…) So there were a lot less jars to arrange. We also took the time to put away all the storage containers that had piled up in the large bowl.

I even was able to hang up the apple picker on the ceiling hooks.

Pantry - storage container shelf crop Dec 2024.jpg

I’d found more of the containers in the fancy bread box. There were so many, I decided to put them on the half full shelf on the other side of the pantry. I obviously need to make more meals for the freezer.

I wish I’d taken before photos of the shelves, as they were quite crowded and messy. Now there’s room on the bottom shelf again to work.

Pantry - undershelf cabinets done collage text crop Dec 2024.jpg

I had my helper friend start on the undershelf cabinets. I was cleaning up the mess in the kitchen, getting jars, etc into the dishwasher. He got 2 of them done before it was time for him to go. He used the hydrogen peroxide on them due to mold issues. Love the gleam on the wood!

What’s left to do in the pantry:

The lazy susan
Vacuum the ceiling
Clean and polish the main door
Wash and polish the floor

So still several days work left in the pantry.

On Saturday my surrogate grandchild and her mom might be coming. I’ve not seen her since the Grandparents Day at her school. Or they might come during the week next week, not decided yet. I’ll be starting the bills/budget on Saturday. It’s to be cloudy and rain off and on all weekend, but not so cold, up in the 30’sF.


It’s so nice to have a clean and neat cabinet where things could be easily located!

The pantry really looks so well organized. That's a job well done 👍

Oh yes, having chickens is cool, they are also smart animals regardless what people generally think of them

Lot of work to do still

You are really doing so much work , please be careful

Wow.. You really made some headway! Congrats on the progress. The end is now in sight 😊 I bet it really feels good.

It was a very busy day, you cleared everything up.