On Wednesday morning I was up at 5:30AM and got the post up. I cleaned up the kitchen and took the last few minutes to set up to process the box of recycling.
It lives in the kneehole of the desk and had been piled to the top of the hole. When I pulled the box out, the pile fell into the hole and off the box all the way across the office.
I got it completely set up in hopes that when I got back from exercise class I would start it.
But exercise class as jam packed on the first Wednesday after the holidays and we were worked! The class has 2 leaders who take turns leading the class. When one of the leaders comments on how hard the other one is making us work on Wednesday, you KNOW it’s true.
When I got home from class all I wanted to do was rest and sleep. And that’s all that did get done.
Of course, the supervisor was on the job, and he didn’t much care whether I did recycling or slept.
On Thursday my helper doesn’t come until noon. My brother’s new car is going in for a checkup so I have to follow him in my car to the mechanic’s at 7AM. He’ll take my car to work.
The plan for Thursday afternoon is to start the deep cleaning of the cook stove. It’s not been done in years and gets really bad when I am making bone stock on it. Now I make the bone stock in the roasters on the porch, so I dare to clean it finally.
I don’t know if we will finish, but he will be back on Friday and we should finish then. I’ll have to get the kitchen cleaned up, and may start on some of it before he gets here at noon.
I need someone to push me hard on going exercises regularly. Larry is always very kind and understandin. He wouldn’t like to do too much exercises himself.
Why is a new car going for checkup?
Is it okay?
The check engine light came on. It is ok.
The kneehole really made a big mess of the house but I hope you'll be able to clean it up after you are very well rested.
Lazy cat , so funny . Your cat's job is like a supervisor because he keeps an eye on everything that's new. He seems to be sleeping today.
#hive #posh
You must be very exhausted by the time you came back from the exercise class and you need to rest, the recycling can be done later.
who does a better life than Larry? 😂