Cleaning the Cookstove, Part 1 - January 9, 2025 @goldenoakfarm

in #homesteading2 months ago

Cookstove - before collage text crop Jan 2025.jpg

On Thursday I was up at 5AM and got my post up. I started cleaning the kitchen but I had to follow my brother to the mechanic’s, again, because the check engine light had come on in his new-to-him car.

I finished the kitchen and started prepping for cleaning the cookstove, and then I went to PT.

The cookstove hasn’t had a thorough cleaning in years. It got so filthy from overflowing bone stockpots years ago. It had been cleaned once because of that by my husband and my helper friend. But this time it was he and I to do it. I just hoped it would work when we finished, at least as well as it had before we started.

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I got things soaking before I went to PT and spent a lot of time on the computer looking for recipes for cleaning solutions I had saved once I got back.

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When my helper friend arrived at noon, he got started on the mess under the burners. I started scouring drip trays and the trays under the burners. Once the underneath part was as clean as he could get it, he started scraping the crud off the burners and I scoured them with the cleaning solution I’d found. I put the burners by the masonry heater to dry overnight. It doesn’t look like it, but I did get the little ones as clean as the big ones.

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We were, of course, supervised.
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We got the doors apart and I started cleaning the glass and he worked on the side panels on the first oven. He’d also scrubbed up the burner supports.

Cookstove - as far as we got collage1 crop Jan 2025.jpg

It was approaching the time he had to go and I needed him to run an errand for me before he did, so he went and did that. So this is as far as we got.

I went with my brother before it got dark to pick up his car. He then went and picked me up some take out as there was no cooking happening in the kitchen.

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Before I went to bed, I set the oven racks and the base of the other oven in the sink to soak in another cleaning solution I had found. We’ll see how well it works in the morning.

On Friday my helper friend will be back at 8AM and we will tackle the ovens. I’m hoping we will finish the project before he goes. I have an event at the Senior Center in the afternoon and Tom is supposed to come to set up the Rife machine and teach me how to use it.


Oh! That’s a lot of pieces to get cleaned up! Good thing you have a helper. Larry is looking very serious in supervising your work. But you did it with flying colours.

Everything is clear now, have a nice day to relax.

Cookstove has indeed to be cleaned from time to time, even tough is always really dirty

Cooking stoves can easily attract dirt if not clean often. Yours is really looking clean. Good job

The fact that your cook stove is detachable makes it make sense
It will be easier to clean that way

Cook stoves get easily dirty when they are not being cleaned
Good job

Aha, aha, that explains it! Cook stoves have a way of collecting dirt, and when they are not regularly cleaned, there can be a pain in the neck. Okay, I know, I saw that you did a good job and your efforts paid off at the end of the day.

It is not always easy cleaning up cookstoves that have been in use for years, especially without regular cleaning, because it must have accumulated lots of dirt and grime over time. But I believe that with the much hard work you have put into it, you will surely achieve some results.

Scrubbing or cleaning cook stoves is one of the chores I hate to do but one has to do it anyways.
If you are actually able to get a good washing solution, it might make everything easier.