Middle pasture color in evening light
On Tuesday I was up early. I didn’t have much time to work on the post for Sunday and then went to clean the kitchen. Once that was done, I started moving things away from the big windows as the window guy would be here at 9AM.
I got as set up as I could then started getting things ready for my helper friend who would be here at 9:30AM.
But before we started the big windows, I’d decided to do the doors in the office and get the storm window in. So when the window guy arrived, he worked outside and I worked inside on those doors first.
Evening light on the tree colors around the white oak
Those big windows had not been done in the spring and they were really dirty and hard to clean. They took much longer than I thought they would. Once we got to the rest which were smaller, we moved along quickly.
More evening light on tree colors
We got to the last 2 and my brother had come home. We were almost out of time for the window guy and my brother said he would help with the last 2 windows.
The window guy took the AC down to the cellar and a couple more things and then he left. My brother helped me with the last ones and once they were clean and back in, I quit. It was nearly 2PM.
Evening sun on white oak leaves
I had some lunch and rested for an hour then finished putting the office back together and cleaning up the mess from the windows. I was exhausted.
But I sat down and finished Sunday’s post and got it up.
Color along the swamp by the front pasture
My sister had left in the morning to go spend 3 days with my mom.
My helper friend had done some errands and then gone out to the Big garden and pulled up the tomato and pepper stakes and put them away. Then he pulled out more of the things hit by frost. He finished at 12:30PM and headed to his next job.
Kousa dogwood
Once the post was done, I rested until suppertime and heated up leftovers. I got a call just after supper my mom wasn’t doing well and I should come down to CT. My middle brother and my sister would drive up to get me.
New North garden – variegated Solomon’s seal autumn color
So I packed up everything I would need until Thursday. I had to be back by Thursday as that was the next time my helper friend was coming. It was the long shift and I intended to start planting garlic that day.
West of Steps – old goldy mum with buds
They picked me up about 8:15PM and we got to my brother’s about 10:30PM. My mom was stable so I went to bed.
West garden – white snapdragon
My sister went to stay at my mom’s on the first night of the vigil.
Best wishes for your mom <3
Your fall colors are glorious and now you'll be seeing them much clearer and brighter through those squeaky clean windows lol!
Wow! Quite a long day full of schedule. The autumn colours on the oak tree is fabulous.
So, all the windows got done.
That’s a sudden news about your mother. Hope you’ll hand a good rest and that things remain stable for as long as possible.
I wish your mum the best of health and hope she's completely recovered. It's certain you were grateful to your brother for coming and helping you out with some of the chores so you could finish on time and get some rest. I hope you get enough rest to be ready for the new week's work. The autumn colors you've captured are stunning. Happy Sunday.
Lots of golden and brown colors tress around , I love it, so attractive.
Yay, some windows are done so you can enjoy a crisp view of those beautiful fall colors. There is not too much still blooming now, but most of the gardens are cleaned out at our house. I love that golden mum you have by the steps. It is a lovely shade.
A pray for your mum.
Autumn colors are always fashinating
Autumn color looks cute
Also, I wish your mum a very quick recovery
Oak leaves are very beautiful. Amazing photography madam
The windows are gradually getting cleaned and also is good your brother were able to help out with some work.
I love the way I’m seeing these colors. It shows that autumn is back and I can’t wait to get in that mood fully.
As for your mum, I’m sure that God will intervene and she will be healthy again
I wish her well
#hive #posh
I really need to wash some windows, too. I have been putting it off. Your fall colors are spectacular! Hope your mom is doing ok.
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Your mum will surely get well very soon and I wish her the best of luck