lol- yeah we are RURBAN-ites... gotta love it!
Oh take the leap with the chickens. I really miss the rooster int he morning, miss collecting (and eating) the fresh eggs. I would go out there to feed them and I'd talk to them... sometimes they'd cackle back to me.
Thornless blackberries? Sounds like a good post! lol
I never knew they had the name Marianberries/raspberries. I learned something today!
I forgot to serarate the Marionberries and raspberries my bad. Ya these thornless blackberries get huge.

These are the smaller ones but still big. You have to wait for them to basically fall off when you slightly touch them or they are really tart.
Oh wow! Those are real cool. Are they indigenous to your area?
I’m not sure. I know my mom has some that she got from her mom. So my grandma said she got her’s in the mountain s near Ogden UT hopefully you follow me. Lol.
lol- yes I follow you already!
Interesting that your berry plants have a history of being handed down from generation to generation.