Homesteading Community Looking To Expand
Homesteaders and Preppers on steemit asking for ideas on improving retention and the response was overwhelming; with 116 views, 83 comments and 75 UPvotes. So we all know the homesteaders are out there. And we keep finding new homesteaders joining steemit daily. I scour the pages, search bar and find gardeners, homesteaders, survivalists, off-grid people, self-sufficient and self-reliant members and immediately jump in the comment sections and welcome them as well as giving them the offer of joining our Discord group. I never post the link to join until they welcome the idea. I don't want to seem too pushy.Just last week, @pennsif did a post about
But back to @pennsif's post. Here were some of the suggestions made in the post.
- Weekly voice chats on Discord - maybe with an invited guest, or around a particular topic
- More competitions - with cash prizes
- A mentoring / buddy system to help new members when they first join
- Homesteader/Prepper of the Week awards, and Newcomer of the Week
- Exchanges of seeds, plants, produce??? ( @papa-pepper has led the way on this)
- A directory of skills, knowledge, expertise that people are willing to share
- Meetups (geography permitting)
- Bartering, promotion, sales of goods and services (eg @greenacrehome sells homemade soaps)
buddy system is where we are starting.After a few lengthy Discord chats with @pennsif and others, it seems as starting a 'welcoming committee' (which in some small way I have been doing all along without realizing it) and then compiling the list of homesteaders into a
@pennsif will have more about the buddy system soon, so be on the look-out
Two weeks ago I did a post about our homestead community here and on Discord. Again, many views and comments. So we are moving in the right direction. We just need to fine tune our path to more growth and continued success.
Many of you know I do a weekly recognition post called HOLLER OUT and nine times out of ten, it is geared towards gardening, homesteading and other various topics in the same general area. Once in a while I would toss in a different topic, but have decided to stick with the homesteading topics from here on out. Working on figuring out how to make a badge or button for people I pick, but not too photoshop friendly here. Any suggestions would be GREATLY appreciated
Yesterday my main topic was survival in the HOLLER OUT post.

What Is The Welcoming Committee?
Think of me as your friendly online homesteader door greeter. I will continue my daily search on steemit looking for possible new members, and extend the offering of joining Discord.

If in your daily travels throughout the steemit pages you find a new person you think may fit into our community, please welcome them and let me and @pennsif know. I will personally go to their page and make some comments and resteems. It may not seem like much, but think back to when we all started. Nothing felt better than having a veteran steemian post and comment. I have been known to give UPvotes too- this would have ELATED me over four months ago as a newbie.
Interaction and a positive welcoming feeling is so key to keep people, especially new steemians/homesteaders, active and finding success here.
We want to continue using Discord, as it is a very useful tool; and considering we are so widespread across the globe, chatting here makes it much easier.
And speaking of Discord, @pennsif set up a new channel there for new members. It's called steemit-newbies. Make sure to stop in there on occasion and see who has joined our chat group.
I am not on Discord 24/7 but I do pop in several times a day, depending on my schedule. Send me a message or tag me in the general channel. If it is solely a steemit topic, tag me in the steemit-talk channel. I will respond.

Feel free to leave comments and suggestions
compiled homesteaders list. Just updated and posted today.Here is a link to @pennsif most recent

I love the seed exchange I'll post a free seed giveaway today for the Homesteaderonline group.
I love all these ideas@goldendawne you were the one who invited myself and many others I assume to the homesteaders chat/group. I've been able to return the favor with one other steemian.
Homesteader/Prepper of the Week awards, and Newcomer of the Week
Exchanges of seeds, plants, produce??? ( @papa-pepper has led the way on this) Bartering, promotion, sales of goods and services (eg @greenacrehome sells homemade soaps)
Actually all 8 are great ideas lol.
I've also been doing a weekly contest your aware of this because you always play,but Im not sure how to get more Homesteadersonline involved I do post it in the bulletin.
I would love to do my part to help build the community though.
This is an idea I have been floating in my head alot and have added at the end of some of my posts
I have an abundance of things like chamomile, etc but none of certain things. When I try to buy, they are out of stock; which I find frustrating to say the least.
and this one...
I LOVE! People can brag and make a post; drawing more attention to the homesteaders
thumbs up to the ideas.
I haven't made any homesteading-type blogs yet, but intend to; so I may yet get on the list too. :)
That would be great! When you're ready to join, just click the link above for the invite
We'd be happy to have you aboard!
lol, I'm already there ... but pretty quiet. Like a mouse, in the corner observing. ;)
What great efforts. Count me in as much as I can manage with everything else.
We know how busy you are and of course will be thrilled to have you along for the ride! Looking forward to the expansion of the community!
Me too and hopefully I'll only be busy for a season.
Amazing tag with Amazing homesteader cross country, Love this Tags
Regard from Aceh, Indonesia
AWESOME!!! SO glad you stopped by!
Yes, being such a vast area to cover and reaching people from EVERYWHERE, the tags are SO important!
My pleasure :)
Yes I agree with your opinion
I am very excited about joining this community, also very new to everything. Please check out my blog... I post historical homesteading books from the past. They are filled with lots of great info
welcome to our community! Looking forward to getting to know you better
Thanks so much. Is there a place for newbies to learn more about steemit?
Are you on our discord?
Hi @goldendawne, great post and thanks for the mentions.
You are doing excellent work 'meeting & greeting' the newcomers. Do keep it up!