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RE: As long as I can see the light

in #homesteading5 years ago

Thank you for your kind words. It was an awful lot, but now that the dust is settling a little I am feeling more in control. Except the weather is gloomy and depressing so I just want to sit in front of the wood stove and warm my feet all day! I am glad to be back here again. It's funny, the longer I was away, the harder it was to come back. I will try to be better, and maybe even get back to the freewrites one of these days!


It's addictive. The longer you stay away, the less you need it. I'm trying (and failing) to do much less. For me, I MUST turn off the wifi and all electronics to not be constantly drawn in.

But I did miss you! I often checked, and thought about asking around to see if anyone had heard from you. I'm glad you're back.