Hello everyone!
So this morning I thought it was time to see how my rainbow carrots were coming along. The tops were looking pretty chunky so I felt there must have been something reasonably substantial going on underground... much to my delight there was!
This is my first successful attempt at growing this type of carrot so it was great fun to see the different colours as they were pulled out. It's the little things that make me happy these days.
They will be going into a tasty soup later - I'll have to see whether the carrots retain their colour once cooked!
Hope you are all having a good week. Happy gardening!
And here I thought carrots were orange
Ha! They come in all colours apparently ;)
Steemit has no problem with @fulltimegeek spamming the blockchain with right-wing conspiracy bullshit, so here's my contribution to Steemit!!
Yay! They are so cute! I'm sure they'll be delicious!
Aren't they just?! I'm very pleased. Looking forward to seeing how they taste :)
Wow great looking carrots - and what cool photos! I wonder if they all taste the same? 🥕
Thanks @sallybeth23!
That's a good question - I shall have to try them all individually (and preferably raw) to see and report back ;)
Hola amiga! Si al final conservaron sus colores, pero de sabor son iguales todas jaja. Un abrazo guapa!