A snake in the outhouse!!

in #homesteading7 years ago (edited)

This morning I wanted to share a fun video and a little adventure we had not too long ago. We found that there was a snake in our outhouse! It doesn't matter if it is venemous or not...thats never ok haha.

I hope you enjoy our perspective.



Snakes ANYWHERE is NOT ok with me.
I do not like snakes...
I do not like them in my house...
I do not want them in an outhouse...
I do not want snakes in my greenhouse
I do not like them in any house
I do not snakes, Sam I Am

yeah, yeah... pretty bad Dr Suess imitation!

Haha yeah we don't have too much trouble with them. We have had an egg eating snake, and my dog got bit by a copperhead once.

One more thing to check for in the great off grid adventure.

Yeah man, we thought we were goos with the wide open design...nope haha

Not a fun surprise! That’s one of the few things I like about living where I do.

Yeah! No snakes or no outhouse haha

That is one of the things you have to deal with on a homestead. Glad you did not kill him, that snake will not hurt you but might make you hurt yourself. Time to seal up the outhouse a little better. LOL Time to put a composting toilet in the house.

Haha right! It is alot of fun. No room inside, so we might need to adapt 🙃

Your pup was ready to take care of that situation for you. Good boy Georgie!

Yeah! He's my best pal. He was ready to protect me and show the world what a digested snake looks like haha.

Never a dull day on the homestead!I for one would not like a snake in my out house! I don't kill creatures like that, I usually just relocate them. Quite a surprise though...

Yeah the black snakes are supposed to help with mice and copperhead snakes. Yeah, never dull haha.

So glad you let the harmless snakes live! Many people just kill any snake that they see and, as you said, the rat and king snakes will eat venomous species. In WI we only have to worry about Timber and Massasauga Rattlesnakes as far as venomous species go. I've only ever seen one (baby Massasauga) and foolishly picked it up before confirming ID. Oops.

Nice, we don't really get into killing for killing around here. Most things have a great purpose that we can see...except brown recluse spiders. Wisconsin huh, we are looking to move up there. What part are you in (north, south, east, west)?

They do, I agree. And I doubly agree about the spiders!
We're more... central. Lol We're in Juneau County.

We are looking toward north central. Price county-ish. Any advice on homesteading the frozen north?🙃

Your choice of county is a great area if you like wildlife. The national forests are beautiful. I haven't homesteaded much, but I would definitely recommend a greenhouse, and I don't think you would be able to plant as early as you might in Missouri. Also, as far as any stock goes, get breeds that are able to stand below-frozen temperatures and frost. For example, we got a mixed selection of chicken breeds one year, and lost several because of their long combs.

That is spectacular information! We have read about icelandic chickens. We are also talking about getting several newfoundland dogs!

That looks like a nice breed. We'll be getting chickens again come Spring, but we haven't decided on which yet; too many people in one household wanting different breeds! lol
I love Newfoundlands. We have a Pyrenees. :D

What a relief to get that taken care of! No one should have to poop in fear.

Yes!! Fear and the general feeling of being watched haha 🙃