Survive the Zombie Invasion - Learn to make wine, beer or whiskey

in #homesteading7 years ago

Survive and thrive by gaining knowledge.

There are so many things we take for granted in our world. Being able to go to the store and pick up whatever we need, turning on the faucet and drinkable water coming out and so much more. But what would happen if a world wide disaster struck? Do you know how to provide the basic necessities for your family? I tend to think in terms of "would this help me survive a zombie invasion", "would this make me more valuable in a zombie invasion?"

Obviously I am not expecting there to be a zombie invasion any time soon, I just like using the term zombie invasion. But everything works the same whether it is a terrorist attack shutting down the power grid, an earth quake shaking most of California off into the ocean or the Yellowstone Caldera blowing all of the central USA into one big dirt cloud. What about if there is a breakdown of our government? Can you image the power struggles that would be going on if that happened.

I am a big Walking Dead fan and as I was watching last Sunday, the thought dawned on me the only reason anyone wanted to keep Eugene Porter around was because he knew a lot of things that made him very valuable. That got the old rusted up gears in my head turning.

Imagine what people would be willing to give to get a drink in a Zombie (or Alien) invasion. I have lots of knowledge that could help people survive. This is great because I know due to my vision and other health problems, I wouldn't be a very valuable person to have in a survival situation. But my knowledge is a different story. I could be a female Eugene, just with an easier to deal with personality.

But what about other people? The skills we need to survive in today's world will not be the same as the skills need in after a breakdown of society. In the very early stages, having skills with weapons will make a big difference on whether you survive or not. But as time goes on, people who can provide needed (and wanted) things will become more valuable than those who simply have strong backs.

Makers of wine, beer and other alcoholic beverages will be some of the most popular people around

Making these beverages is not extremely hard, but there are tools and supplies you will need. Most are not horribly expensive, but it would be in your best interest to purchase the best you can afford, because there will no longer be a home brew store in town so you can grab supplies on the way home from work.

To make roughly 1 gallon of wine, you will need 3 to 8 cups of sugar, depending on how alcoholic you want it to be. Having 20 five gallon buckets of sugar put back somewhere would make you an extremely valuable person. Put on your thinking cap and see if there is anything else you could do now that would make you more valuable in a situation that may arise.

Learning to food forage is another biggie. Whether you will survive the Zombie Invasion or not will depend on how valuable you are to those with more fire power than you. Being able to supply food and/or medicine after all the grocery stores and pharmacies are gone will make you very valuable.

Start now and learn to make wine, beer, whiskey or whatever and you will be one of the most popular people in the fledgling society that comes after the invasion.

Visit these sites to learn to make wine

How to make wine at home
Make your own wine
Mother Earth News


Thanks for the thought-provoking post! I actually made my first batch of wine this year from redcurrants picked from our garden. While I didn't manage to make it very tasty, it is drinkable and there are points in the process I can easily improve. I'll check out the links you posted to absorb any further tips and techniques!

Good for you! Learning is a process and the hardest thing about it is taking the first step!

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