So I was reading that some people watch who they pair with... and separate in that manner... Do you watch that closely? I honestly cannot tell the difference between my males! Hahaha
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So I was reading that some people watch who they pair with... and separate in that manner... Do you watch that closely? I honestly cannot tell the difference between my males! Hahaha
I pick out the biggest ones (or try to, but my daughters have soft spots for certain ones) for breeding and put a blue tie wrap on their legs. The females I keep get a red tie wrap. I can tell some of them apart because they have a variety of colours, but then their babies end up looking the same! Lol!
Oh man. Do you have any suggestions on the wraps? Or leg bands? You think that's super needed for the whole thing? I have a hard time catching my quail though... Poor things. I should get a fishing net...
Lol! I have images of you quail catching with a fishing net now! Probably a good idea though. 🤔
I use cable ties; is that what you call them your way? Those plastic ties you loop back through the little clip bit. I don't keep them on a huge scale though. Because we hatched them all, they are too bad with being handled, but then they aren't as quick as Bobwhites either. They (bobwhites) can fly quite well, but Japanese ones tend to stick to the ground more.
I ALMOST bought a net today but didn't have a second opinion on which to purchase - so I didn't. Haha. I think that's really the only real way I will be able to get them safely. The last time I caught one of the adults... I have no idea what happened, but he started bleeding! Like a lot. Had to separate him and make sure he was fine (he was! and is! haha).
Oh yeah, I know what you're talking about. We call 'em zip ties! :) I assume cause they kind of make a zipping sound like a zipper... Hahah. Creative, I know. ;)
Is funny how we all speak English, but don't have quite the same names for everything! I'm from the UK originally and some of the words Aussies use are the same as ours, some are the same as America and some are just their own unique words. I get some funny looks as I run through various words to try and find the one they know! Lol!
Hahha I once visited Scotland and I couldn't understand anything they were saying. I felt so dumb for not being able to understand English!
Some Scottish accents are so broad I have to concentrate hard to understand! When I helped out with reading at the schools here the teachers used to always give me the little Scottish girl to assess. I think they struggled to understand her! Lol!