What I keep reflecting back on with what you said is “it is so hard not to let a loss like this bury the joy you gained”. This was very powerful for me to read that I’ve been thinking about it a lot over the last 3 hours since I first read your comment. I’m not sure how to take it at the moment but it’s absolutely true. And the loss has clouded any sort of joy I had. I know I am still healing, and that seems so silly to say to people who have had livestock for a long time and have gotten used to this happening, but I think it will still take me a little while longer. I was rather impressed with myself for being able to share this today, actually. So I was able to smile a bit while thinking about him jumping from box to box. Haha
Thanks for commenting, I appreciate it.
Yes, you are starting to come back around. From within you will find a fuller brightness you haven't even tapped into yet, and it will probably return in a surprisingly easy way from a newfound source. That sounds kind of like a fortune, I know, but I think it is true for you.
It totally does sound like a fortune! Haha, but you're very sweet, and I hope you're right. Thank you.