I feel like a urban homestead is a homestead on a small property, like in a town. haha. I dunno. You can just call it a homestead. Specifics aren't needed! Haha.
I love hollyhocks! Sad I didn't get any planted this year. The bees love them too!
PS. I am in love with your little yellow greenhouse.
Strangely enough, the little yellow greenhouse is the one that I'm in the process of removing. We built a bigger one last fall, that's the one I'm using now. I used the small one for 5 or 6 years and it served me well.
Nooooo I want it! Hahah. I love it, and we need a greenhouse. When can you bring it? Hehehe Just kidding. ;)
I could send it to you, but that might cost a bit... :-)
If you'd like to see how I built it, I did a post about it last month. Here's the link to the post.
One thing I would suggest though, don't use landscape timbers for posts like I did, they don't hold up well when you bury them in the ground. The treated 4X4s are treated for direct burial and the landscape timbers are not. They rot faster than I expected them to. Treated 4X4s cost more, but they last way longer in the ground.