
Thanks for the fun facts! Love the incredible photography

Thank you so much! I’m so glad you enjoyed it! :)


I swear chickens make the best models for memes!

They always have the either the most serious/ticked off look or the goofiest! He or she looks REAL mad!

Hahaha funny! That’s so true! I’m sad about this one cause she disappeared in November, she was the funniest Welsummer! She would always yell at me when she saw me! Haha she had a ton of personality!

Oh sorry she went missing.

We had a bantam rooster who was WAY too BIG for his britches. He thought he was the king... he sued to stalk me when I'd go out to feed them in the coop and fenced in area.

I got attacked by my white rooster yesterday! He didn't even get a running start and was about a foot away from me when he jumped up and slammed me in the thigh. It hurt, but, wasn't too bad at the same time. I am not 100% sure what to do about it at this very moment because I don't want to get rid of my roosters. But since I've decided that I wont bring in adult chickens, I don't want to raise up new ones either! They take soooo long to mature.

About her going missing: It's bound to happen, since I free range. But it sucks it's always the ones you like! Hahah

You will need to put a stop to that behaviour asap - he's trying to be dominant and he will continue to do so unless you stop him. Once he gets big spurs he can do really do some damage. Carry a stick! Good luck!

Yes I am aware. I do what I can. Thanks! It’s just beyond me how they don’t realize I’m the one that feeds them! Haha

Best wishes on the contest, this is a great article. I love my chickens, and I enjoy reading about other people's too. They are amazing creatures.

Thank you! I am glad you enjoyed it! My chickens are pretty awesome. I wish I didn't worry about their health so much. Haha.

Oh no, what is wrong with their health? I had to take one of mine in to the vet not too long ago. They just go limp and stop eating, it is so sad. Hope the problems resolve asap!

As far as I know, nothing really. I just worry about it too often. I had a roo die in the beginning of Jan due to testicular cancer, of all things.

What was wrong with yours??

Aw, rip Roo.
The one we took to the vet had neon green bile poop. We had to give her daily antibiotic injections and she recovered fully.

This past fall, our pullets got "fowl pox", some virus similar to...chicken pox! It made ugly black scabs on their facial skin but they all got well, no signs .

From time to time, one of the hens will get sour crop. That is a yeast infection that makes the crop get hot and bloated. We turn them upside down to encourage vomiting, and treat with vinegar water. Goes away in a couple of days with that.

To your good health and that of your flock!

I haven’t experienced any crop problems yet! Do you provide grit to them?

You’ll see in some soon updates here in a few days I dealt with a chicken who only laid the yolk and white of an egg (twice! That I’m aware of). She hasn’t yet to lay an egg since, I hope she’s just laying them somewhere crazy that I haven’t found yet.

Mine freerange in the backyard, plenty of grit, but also occasional weird stuff they may have eaten...

I got a shell-less egg the other day. I don't know who laid it, but I suspect it was one of the older gals.

The egg song is quite similar to there's a fuckin coyote next to me!....
I love it

Hahahha it’s true! I was like “ooooh yay another egg!” And I go out to check... THERE’S A COYOTE JUST STANDING THERE. I look at it, it looks at me and I go “OH!” And it goes “oh!” And runs away! Hahaha stupid chickens were just standing there yelling...

Oh wow! Well I hope with everyone just starting out and those who have been homesteading I can learn.

I like that you both went "oh". Good thing that chicken knows to call for help

Haha, maybe that's what it was, "a call for help". Hahha.

I am sure you will learn lots!

Lol, yes and make mistakes a llr but that's how I learn best!

Well done! Thank you for the #funfarmfacts!

It was really fun! I hope you make more contests like this! Thanks for hosting!

wow, you have explained everything really well. Now i know why aliens kidnap chicken

Why do aliens kidnap chickens?