Hey everyone! Long time! I've been busy with trying to feel better. Had a little bit of a sickness hit me and some depression. However, I knew you guys were waiting for an update!
Things have been chugging along slowly around here, we're trying to get the house sealed up because we're dealing with mice in the house! And, suddenly, fall has come. With highs around the mid 50s for the next week! I've already busted out my winter coat for visits to the coop. Can you believe it? Even though I am dealing with it, I can't believe it.
So, yesterday I went around the Farmstead and took a bunch of pics for ya! Spent some time with all the birds, and checked in with them. Things seem well around here!
The Gucks
The geese and ducks (gucks) are doing real well! They'll be 20 weeks old the first week of October. I don't know if I will get eggs this year or not sigh. But I hope I do! If not, it is what it is. The geese are so funny. They come running to me when I go toward or in their paddock. If I didn't know them, it'd be pretty frightening, I think. Haha.
Warning... If you have any sort of fear of geese, this might be a trigger! ;) Haha.
So this is how it goes.
I go in their paddock, squat down to their level, then they start yelling and running!! Here's a play by play. If you lean in toward your device, it might feel like you're me. :D Check it out, lemme know.
The ducks are doing well too, but they're not as friendly as the geese. They walk toward me, and quack at me. If I even think about making eye contact, they regret their decision and run away. Haha.
The Chickens

But I do have other chicken news!
I have decided that I want to breed chickens to sell as chicks or hatching eggs. I am still in the research phase of this venture! I still am researching on where/who I want to purchase a really nice duo or trio breeding set, how to get NPIP certified, and I still must build a separate coop and pen for the breeding birds. I am kind of excited about this but overwhelmed! There will be a pretty decent sized start up cost for a good breeding set of chickens. Oye. haha. But, I am saving up for it! Hopefully with the help from Steemit! :D

The other breed I am interested are the Faverolles. Although they're dumb (and maybe a little suicidal...), I just love them. They're also a dual purpose heritage breed and are considered "endangered" by The Livestock Conservancy. I've now really grown to love them when I sit out with the chickens and all four of them come running and hang out with me.
The Broody Chicken Sitting on Eggs
She's still sitting! I should get babies this weekend! I need to start working on my "nursery ward" to separate the broody and her babies so I can make sure they get the feed that they need and that they don't get beat up or killed by the bigger chickens. I really didn't want to separate, but at this point, I can't see another feasible way. But that's okay, I've got an extra large wire dog kennel that I think will work for now, at least for the first couple weeks, I hope!
When I went to get that pic, I actually opened the nesting box doors to find one of my australorps hanging out on the nest! Whooooaaa noooo, I thought! I am not having another broody... She made a VERY scary noise, and then continued to glare at me. Eeek. Good for me though, I shoo'd her off the nest! I do NOT have any more room in the coop! Haha. Do you see that glare? She has got it DOWN PAT.
Other Things
Now that it's butt cold outside, the flowers have stopped blooming, nothing new is coming out of the ground... I did happen to FINALLY get a pic of one of my Mexican Sunflowers before it got gobbled up by a critter! Ah they are my favorite kind of sunflowers. :D They really did not do well here at all. I will have to amend soil badly for anything to grow nicely.
BUT, the smoke has gone away! We've had a couple rainy wet and windy days here and I think that's put some of the smoke out of the sky! I can SEE my scenery again! And more importantly, we can BREATHE and not feel like complete crap!
It's so good that it rained. There are so many fires in Oregon, and really, all over the Pacific Northwest. I hope that this rain has helped all the wildfires. There's ALSO SNOW in the mountains. Been snowing up there for the last two days! I feel like it's way too early.
Please Consider Supporting:
- @rhondak, she runs a much needed and severely underfunded Dog Rescue in the Appalachian Mountains. She uses the funds she makes on Steemit to save lives.
Photos by me using my iPhone 6s, unless stated otherwise!As always @farmstead here blogging from FarmsteadSmith!

Badges by @daddykirbs and @allforthegood!
So glad you are back, feeling better and the smoke cleared. Hope things are back to normal for you again. Thanks for the update!
Aw thanks!! I wouldn't say normal, but much better!! That's for sure!! I'd like to get better sleep! Haha I know jay would help immensely! Hahaha
Thanks for stopping by! I'm so glad the smoke is gone! Everyone was feeling like crud for so long!
Great narration; I felt like I got the nickel tour. Geese are indeed a major pain, but redeem themselves as the elite property alarm system.
The Mother Hen look almost killed me.
Sadly, my house is too sound proof, so there would have to be SOME real commotion for me to hear them. I don't think they're too much of a pain. They're always really excited to see me, yelling at me. "HEY LADY, PAY ATTENTION TO US!". When I walk out the back door they start yelling. So that's good, I guess. hahaha.
OH GOD THE GEESE! Hahaha, nice photos and it really captures their nature to take over humans! I hated them as a kid, they would attack me or try to, but farms are excellent and I would at least love to be on a self-sustainable property.
Hahah, sorry to bring back bad memories! Hahah thus the trigger warning. ;) hahaha. I am SO thankful my geese are nice (to me? not to my dog, however... poor guy). I wish my property was self sustaining! I am not sure HOW feasible that is in the desert... Haha, yeah, I live in the desert (technically). But I know we can make it more self-sufficient at least!
Hey, thanks for stopping by to leave a great comment that put a smile on my face!!
I bet if I was there, they would go for me like it is a universal attack me thing haha ;) . Ah if you can have solar panels and the ground is decent to grow some crops or you can make it viable, then that would be plenty.
You're welcome, it was a good laugh seeing the geese pics ;) and I am glad I could put a smile on your face. :)
Hahahah They might surprise you!
This is PRIME spot for solar, but, you gotta be able to afford those dang things and the whole system. We've only had this place for not even a year, so things are very slowly coming together. I wish that I could grow some good crops, but I don't have water rights, so I can't really water large crops. We only get like 10 or so inches of rain a year out here. Yikes!
Haha well better get saving all that Steem then for solar ;) :P
Wow, that's barely anything and who lives in a desert anyway! :P
Bwahaha well that's kind of the plan. Use some SBD to help fund the 'stead! I'm saving up for raised beds right now. :) I think solar and wind would be perfect additions for here also!
Slowly but surely, you will get the SBD funds you need. :)
Nice...im a farmer too ...got a few duck ..for salted egg..
Diffrent from.us,,,you need licence? To breed?
Hi @christ2169, nice to meet more people who try to provided for themselves off their own land!
No we do not need a license to breed here at all. Do you?
Or were you talking about how I mentioned NPIP?? It is a program that tests your birds to make sure they do not have things like avian influenza or salmonella. That's a pretty important thing here in the US, and if you have NPIP certification you can ship birds and eggs across state lines.
Oo..ya...that what i mean😂..
Oo...ok..i understand..in my state its the same but if i want to send any animal from my state...its not hard..cause my state its free from all disease..except if i buy animal from another state...that the hard part..not mention the quarantine,paper work,time,,,😂
I have yet to really experience any of that. I am still very new at all this. It all sounds so overwhelming! But, I am sure it's doable!
No worries...dont think...if you want to do it...just do it..dont care what other people say or what problem ahead..it will pass..good luck..
Yeah! Isn't it nice to not be breathing smoke? We got more last weekend and I was ready to bolt, lol. But this last rain front has improved things a lot! But it wasn't enough rain to put the fires out, so we will see what happens with the warming early next week. Sometimes it takes a long time for the fire season to be over.
Great chicken and geese photos! It would be fun to hear all the commotion that those geese make, lol! I hope your chicken projects do well. Those eggs sure are pretty!
Oh gosh, it's so nice. I am so much happier! It was really stifling over there! We've had smoke since June, I swear. Lol did you see/hear about all those tornadoes on your side of the mountains?!!? Craaaaaazy!
Oh hey, there's a poultry swap in Corvallis on the 7th. I was thinking about going... have you been to one of those before? I can't take anything in at the moment but I thought it could be fun?! If you're interested, maybe we could meet up and enjoy the experience together? We could talk it over more on the chat, if you want!
These geese, man, they are characters! They untied my shoes last time I hung out with them. Turds. They absolutely do make a tooooon of noise. Hahah
Thanks for the well wishes! I hope I can get my act together and actually get something going with that. It's a lot to review and think about for sure.
I didn't know about the poulty swap. It's easy for me to get to Corvallis, and I've never been to a poultry swap. So that would be fun! I connect up with you on the homesteading slacker channel this week (Tuesday/26th or Friday/29th).
I don't have any poultry at all, soo it will be fun to go together. Exciting! :D Enjoy your geese, but keep an eye on them! ; )
I sent you my phone number on SLACK! In case that’s easier!
The 2 birds that remind me the most of dinosaurs are turkeys and geese. Geese are like a little Hadrosaur with wings instead of arms. Of course, the wings are their arms, just adapted differently.
Hahah. I dunno. The geese don't remind me so much of dinos as chickens do, because the chickens make the sounds! Scary sounds... Hahahah.
This is your best work right here (it's all good) but this is magnificent! I enjoyed reading and your photography is excellent. Love the pics of ducks food begging or maybe they are fussing at you. LOL
I went through a rough spell with depression right around the time I joined steemit. I understand the dynamics you go thru along with anxiety that's just crazy.
Keep writing my friend!🐓
They mostly just yell at me. Hahaha. I don't mind, at least they take interest in me, unlike the ducks.
I am so glad there are people out there who understand the depression thing! Sometimes it's soooooo hard to crawl out of that dang hole.
Thank you, I am so glad you like my photography. :D It's so much fun to go out to the birds with a photo mission. Hahah. Have a great day!
Welcome back! It was worth the wait to get the funny goose shots. By the looks of it, many, many people have missed you!
I have been going through my feed and haven't seen a post of yours yet! I have been wondering if I was going to get a comment from you or not! Hehe, I am so glad that I did! Maybe the geese can give you a good drawing idea. They are crazy things!! Thank you for the warm welcome back, friend!!
Oh I'm really busy, still barely managing to post daily, but it's tough to! Yesterday I dusted off an old poem and posted it. I won't be doing THAT again! XD
I have a commission this week (2 actually), so I have to concentrate on that... I have another idea that just hasn't gotten traction yet.
Take care and keep posting!
Well good for you for keeping up with it all!! I liked the poem. Hahah.
Keep up the good work and don't work yourself TOO hard. I look forward to your upcoming commissions reveals! :D
I swears I replied to this... must not have pressed post on the computer! Will check in the morning! lol
Honestly that 1st article picture is STRAIGHT UP GORGEOUS. SHOW ME YOUR WAYS.
Awe, that means a lot! I try to get real great pics for the first pic! I'd love to show you my ways! Haha. Lemme know if I can answer any questions. :D
Great update...reminded me of my own very needy geese...Romeo and Juliet!
They were a trip!
Blessings on the farm,
Awe! Haha I'm glad I am not the only one with weirdos. This is my first real goose experience! Haha
sadly, we finally gave up on ours....It was too much when I was milking the goats to have Romeo insist on attention when I was fully occupied! He was a trip!
Oh no. Yeah that is sad. What would they do? Nibble at you and just yell?? Haha mine are contained in a paddock with themselves and the ducks. I think we’re going to clip their wings today...
no he would come and practically sit in my lap and honk at the top of his lungs until I gave him attention...We got them as babies along with a new clutch of ducks. They were great guardians, especially the female ...the male however could not squeeze under the fence like Juliet and all of the ducks, so they would go to the pasture pond for the day and leave him behind...he would get so mad..pace back and forth and harass me to do something about it...He was just too high maintenance so they were sold to a friend at about 8 months old. Our friend had geese in the past and wanted more. Happy ending! They were African...He would let me hold him like a baby... I could have never eaten him :/
Oh my goodness! That is crazy! Hahahah. I cannot believe he was so cuddly like that. Haha.
we would hold them a lot as babies, as my son was only about 9 and wanted to spend time with them...unfortunately not enough, and they bonded with me ..the feeder :) LOL
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To nominate this post for the daily RESTEEM contest, upvote this comment! The user with the most upvotes on their @OriginalWorks comment will win!Interesting ... a great post hehe I love animals.
Thanks! So do I! :D
I have five rooster chicken
Only roosters? No hens? That must be fun!
Good post. You got a lot going on. Best to you and never give up.
I guess I do! It does and doesn't feel like there's a lot going on - I am glad for that. I decided to do an update on the quail in another post, because I felt like this one was getting long. So look out for that one. :D Thank you friend. :D
Omg I LOVE those close ups of the gucks!!
They're such characters! The untied my shoes the other day! Haha
Great update!
Thanks much for stopping by!
Geese are a great alarm for things happening on the property. Looks like they are attention hogs. LOL.
If only I could hear them in my house! Haha I wish! But they definitely are good at yelling. Hahahaha they absolutely love attention! I don't even know why! Haha they don't like being pet or anything like that. Just like to come up to me, untie my shoes, and yell. Haha
Those Gucks are terrifying!
Hahahha I definitely would be afraid of them if I didn't raise them! That's for sure! I'm a little worried of what I think to be the male goose getting aggressive during mating season next year.
yeah I think I would stick with hens haha xD tho that glaring one sounds abit scary.
A great guy doing great things... You are doing well in your farmstead so many work @farmstead but you up to it...wish you best of health and success😏
Hahha alright, thank you! It is a lot of work. But not too terribly much! Nothing I can't handle! You're right, I'm up for it! :) Have a great day!
Sure and keep it up. Do find time to check my blog posts too 😎
Great update! I have mice too sigh Got THREE in the traps yesterday.
What's NPIP? We don't have to be certified over here in the UK to breed - anyone can sell, show etc at the various sales. Looking forward to following your journey :D
We've had real good luck with live traps and water bucket traps! :)
I thought I had solved the mice problem in my basement. But this Spring they were back. Luckily I have 7 house cats, but only one pulls his weight. This Spring I rescued a mama cat and her 5 kittens. Mama cat is now an outside cat. Since I have her outside my door the mice in the area are toast. No mice in house since. Here is some of Scary Mary's work.

I hope to get some barn kitties! I worry about the coyotes though. The neighbor lost her kitty last week...
Always something to take mind of. Need a big dog to protect the cats. Unless there is something bigger than the dog out there.
Maybe just a donkey... hahaha. An LGD seems like a good idea but I know I cannot commit to the training something like that needs.
Sorry to hear that you were sick. What a fun post with the poultry, got my mind off the world of hurricanes. Hope you've gotten yourself fully well.
I'm glad that it could momentarily lift your spirits!
Physically I am feeling much better! Still working on the emotional part! Butbim feeling way better than I have been and that's pretty exciting! Haha
LOL! You HAVE to be very close by. Is that Initial Point in the background, by any chance? I am in Hell's Canyon area, Idaho side. Scrolling down those pics thinking they look a lot like the ones I have been taking the past couple days of the fresh snow getting dumped on my backyard mountains. It IS lovely to have some blue in the sky again, to be sure!
Ohhhh hahaha, well, I do not know if it is Initial Point? You tell me? Hahah. It is my "back yard". I live in the Crooked River National Grasslands near Madras, Oregon. :D Hahah. But it looks sooooo similar! I've only lived in Central Oregon since 2015. I still am not up on the geography. ;) ha.
We don't have any snow, THANK GOODNESS. I AM SO NOT FUCKING READY FOR THAT SHIT. Haha. Last year was so hard for us.
I have been thankful for bits of sunshine here and there today. It's been warmer by a few degrees. I think we have a bit of warmer weather coming in now, and I am happy for that!
No, Initial Point is southeast of me, Boise area. But high desert country, all the same. Yeah, my house is stripped and caulked and ready to be painted, this is our "git'er done" week it looks like!
I hope you guys are able to get done everything you need to do!