
I bet the nightshade species of potatoes grow really well on the russet, reds, and Yukon golds. They prefer cooler milder climates. Thanks for your comment @eggmeister !

Hello @texasoffgrid, I processed some potato seeds last year and did a video on it. Hopefully they'll be good long-term storage though I do intend to germinate and grow some this year to test them out. They are red potatoes but not sure on variety (either Mozart, Shannon, Desiree or Romano). It's a mildly interesting story how I came across these seeds ;)

Hey man that's an awesome video, they actually DO look like green tomatoes. I got an education with the video!!! Thanks for providing the link...I've never seen potato pods with seeds...good luck on the germination this year my friend

I left the tubers in the composter to grow again this year (hopefully). If they do grow out of the composter and produce seed pods again, I'll process them :) I might give those ones away to steemit members,....... so here's hoping they deliver the goods LOLMany thanks @texasoffgrid :)

Hey @eggmeister, you are the Man!!!...looking forward to seeing the progress! :D Thanks