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RE: Tough times at Duck Ponds Farm

in #homesteading7 years ago (edited)

It was pretty wet here for a while, not so much now, but we have been getting enough rain to keep the place green.

Yes we are continuing with the sheep. We have re-collected ourselves and are moving forward. In fact, we have plans to install some better fencing to make things a bit easier for our rotational grazing. The video is already up on YouTube

Hopefully I'll have D-Tube up to date by next week. I'm only 2 videos behind now.

We had good success when the ground was dry by running extra wires and hooking them up to the earth side of the energiser. It was more of a pain to set up, but we had no more escapees. I think it would work well for pigs too, especially if you trained them too be afraid of the fence from young.