Totally agree. This would add major security to your residence. Also you could adapt this method to also keep teack of any potential predator wildlife in the area around your homestead. I think cameras are extremely underrated in regards to personal security.
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@dizzyjay - Yes, the last one we install (It's going down near where the main electric feed is in to the house so it's the most dangerous install - so we'll save until a dry, clear day in the summer) will actually take in the west side of the house and it will be critical for a couple of reasons. We'll see the chicken yard on it and, it's toward our "corner" we have a corner piece of property - about 2.8 acres -- and any two-footed predators would most likely come from that direction also. You can bet I'm going to use it to keep an eye on the chickens too! :)
You could also do a wicked timelapse of your garden over the year hint hint
Great idea... hmmm. not sure if I'll have a good shot of it. That may take it's own separate camera... which, when I think about it would probably help me be a better gardener too in identifying who is eating my pumpkin plants!!!!
I agree, I'm not off the grid yet but if I was I would have cameras hidden in locations surrounding the house and outline of the property. I would also have dogs and a good fence set up.
Dogs and fence are good low-tech, dependable security measures!